Wednesday, June 8, 2022

The Squeeze is On

I usually go into town twice a week for groceries. I have spent the last couple months stocking up as best I can on fifteen dollars an hour. An extra bag of dog food here, a case of water there, a few more cans of whatever. We have several months of food stockpiled, but we are already starting to feel the squeeze. We have had to dip into the supplies sooner than I thought.

Gas is literally going up a nickle a day here. Some readers may not know that my husband is very ill. He said that the Lord told him that he has two more years. (That is great news!) I whipped out the calculator. “At present rate of inflation, gas should be $36 dollars a gallon by then.” I told him.

My husband got fifty dollars for his birthday. He expressly told me that it is his ice cream money. LOL.I think the ice cream is what is keeping him going. The day he doesn't want ice cream, you know the end is near. He doesn't know that I've already started to ration him. It looks like the same big ol' bowl of ice cream, but sculpted in such a way, that it is possibly a whole scoop less. So far, he hasn't caught on. Just to stretch it out a little longer. We both know the day is on the horizon, where we just won't be able to buy it anymore.

Yet, I'm not actually worried. Back in 2009, at the beginning of this blog, the Lord had called me to quit my job at the height of the recession and go out on the road in my van, to learn to trust Him. My parents were horrified. I remember telling my dad that I could be sitting at a picnic table and some little girl could come up and give me an orange and that was how the Lord was going to provide for me.

The first day on the road, as I was walking on the beach by the ocean, an ORANGE literally, floated up on a wave and landed at my feet. It was ice cold and was the most juicy, best tasting orange I have ever eaten in my life (I don't normally even like oranges!) That is how I am going to provide for you – the Lord showed me at that moment. (you can read about it here – please forgive me, I was obnoxiously self-righteous back then).

The Lord is the provider. Not my job or money, and certainly not this present evil government. If I start to worry about the future – I just cast that care on the Lord. He will never leave us nor forsake us, and will take care of all our needs.

Take care out there.


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