Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Yeah - Lets Get the Fish Too


So, yesterday, quite by accident, I came across this story:

I guess the story is that the yellow perch may kill the trout and possibly get into the tributaries. So let's go ahead and POISON the lake and kill all the fish in the lake, thus, doing alot more damage than the yellow perch would have done.

They assure us that it would only poison the fish, not the people or the animals who might drink the water. Uh-huh. We all know, of course the full on honesty and unquestionable integrity of governmental bureaucracies. Not even possible that the poison itself could get into the tributaries killing all the fish there and causing unforeseeable consequences.
What an excellent idea as we head into a world-wide famine eh?
Unbelievable. Buy some trout today while you can. No more fish fry for you.  

1 comment:

wendyworn said...

Yes! That's an excellent idea - unless you have the agenda to destroy, food, water, fish and woodland creatures. I'm sure we haven't heard the last of this. Thanks for commenting.