Friday, July 1, 2022

Weaning Off the Tit of Big Pharma

Twenty one years ago, I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism, or more specifically, Hashimoto's disease. It's an auto-immune disease where your own body attacks your thyroid and there is a myriad of symptoms that go with it. I was prescribed Levothyroxine and every year I would get a blood test to see if I needed to change my dosage.

Five or so years ago, I was diagnosed with high blood pressure. I was taking a blood pressure medication and at the end there was taking two different kinds.

Two years ago, my doctor tried to tell me that I was diabetic. Both my parents are diabetic. My mom is actually Type 1 and I grew up with it and know everything there is to know about it (that is a series of blog posts all in itself.)

This is essentially what I told my doctor concerning my supposed diabetes: No! I am not getting on the diabetic train with you. I am not going to be spending $1500 an ounce on insulin. I am not going to be checking my blood every hour on the hour. I am not going to be consumed with my blood sugar. (It was quite the rant to be sure).

“Can we at least check your A1C?” she asked carefully. “Absolutely not!” I told her. That was pretty much the end of that discussion. I did, however, agree to go on a diet and lost 40 pounds.

Fast forward to last September. I quit my job because I refused to get a test I didn't need and a shot that would alter my DNA with the possibility of turning me into a zombie. I'm still shocked at how many of my co-workers did, despite my warnings. I started a new job that offered health insurance but if I was un v'd, my premium's would go up an extra $300 a month. I declined the insurance.

Then the evil pharmaceutical companies hinted at the possibility of slipping the vax into pill form. Suddenly, I was concerned that they might slip it in to whatever pill I happen to be taking. I mean, they are actively trying to kill everyone as we speak. I wouldn't put it past them. And I don't have any health insurance anyway.

So I started to wean myself off of all my prescriptions. First was the BP medicine. Unless I'm having a really bad day and get a pounding headache – I haven't really noticed. The thyroid medicine took longer. I was taking them every day, then every other day, then twice a week, and then they were gone. Do I have symptoms? Yes I do. I'm tired a lot and my hands hurt. But, I'm not contributing anything to big pharma, and they will not be able to slip anything into my body against my wishes or knowledge.

Going forward, like everything else in these very dark times, I will need to rely on the Lord for my healing, just like I am for my daily bread.

Take care out there.



Cederq said...

Damn, are you my twin? I too have hypothyroidism, and I diabetic, on an insulin pump using U-500 Insulin, $2000 for 20 milliliters and on Hypertensives. I too am weaning my self off at a slow rate and replacing them with natural plants and products from them. I am a retired MSN nurse with over 25 years experience and am frankly ashamed of what medicine has become and the sheeple that inhabit those professions. It takes some research and a Natural Health Physician or an Allopath or similar skills which make it easier to switch away from petroleum based pharmaceuticals. I do have a twin sister, I am seven minutes older and I don't ever let her forget it...

wendyworn said...

LOL -wouldn't that make me your triplet? I'm very surprised at how quickly the medical industry went over to the dark side as well. Somewhere along the line, they stopped caring about healing people and only cared about money. I wouldn't go to the doctor's now if you paid me. The symptoms get better the longer you are off them. I will pray for your healing. Take care out there!