Tuesday, July 19, 2022

The Time for Warnings is Over

As if it wasn't bad enough. They have been destroying all the food processing plants, poisoning the lakes and killing the fish. Blowing up the oil refineries. Killing millions and millions of chickens, turkeys, and deer. Now they are going after the frozen food! Busted Knuckles has the story here:

Circling the Drain

This is an act of war. With each new occurrence, the proof that this is a coordinated attack against the people is more and more obvious, and yet people will not wake up to it.

The Dutch farmers were told to destroy their crops and said Hell No and rose up with their tractors. Leaving huge piles of cow manure on the capitol steps was a nice touch. The American farmers get letters from the USDA telling them to destroy their crops and they just did it – no push back what so ever.

It is almost unbelievable how fast this is happening. Literally – stock up now while you still can!

(I'm throwing in this link just because – Oregon sucks:)

One More Year to Flatten the Herd

Take care out there.



Cederq said...

Oregon will suck a little less while I am there... There has been far too many instances of suspicious fires and damage at food processing, distribution and actual farms to be anything but sabotage. The nwo and wef and all the wanna be tyrants will be the one to suffer. We will take causalities and death, but in the end, history always show the peasants and middle class come out on top, far too many of us and we are educated far more then centuries past.

wendyworn said...

you will be going to a more conservative area - so hopefully for your sake it wont be too bad.

Definitely they are full on attacking us from every angle - but yes - they will ultimately lose. I'm thinking full on public exacutions