Thursday, July 28, 2022

Watch the Water


I'm not ashamed to say that I followed Q(Cue) when it first started. I wasn't satisfied to get second hand info from podcasts and you tube videos. I went straight to the source. I followed the threads for almost 3 years daily. Pretty much stopped reading anything else.

I learned the language (never learned to bake). I waded through countless entries of boobs, shill posts and gay porn in order to get to the nuggets of truth that were buried there. I learned not to click on the big question marks and that the filter button was your friend.

I had great respect for the guys there, with their laser focus and ability to dig. They could find a manifesto and save it offline before you could finish saying active school shooter. Unknowingly, they became a real threat to the system.

I was there, in real time, the night that Lynn de Rothschild herself, (supposedly) posted that she was looking forward to watching our children die of thirst. Cue shot her down and she was blocked after that. Was it all a LARP? I don't know. It was a grand adventure at the time.

I remembered that night when I came across this story yesterday:

Rawlins Residents Asked To Report Water Overuse By Neighbors

This is how it starts. There was another story recently about a town in Mexico that had no water, but I can't find the link now.

Jesus said that your enemies would be those in your own household and that they would think that they were doing good. I think “watch the water” means that they will use water against us. There will be water monitors and water snitches and they will start with giving you tickets but it will escalate from there.

One of the reasons they started requiring people to get permits to dig wells on your own properties was A.) Extortion and B.) so they have the locations of all the privately owned sources of water. I'm sure that all that information is in a huge database somewhere that can be brought up like a huge map at the click of a button.

Make water a priority in your preps. A person can go a long time without eating but only 3 days without water. Believe me – they WILL come for your water.

Take care out there.


Cederq said...

There has been several dystopian movies about water shortages in the future and "they" are telling us before hand, the liberal communist always do, it is like they want to gloat about it, see us squirm. The article in the Rawlings News, I had to laugh, low water, "wooden pipes" and the massive leaks and the city government blaming the citizens for tanks almost dry. Every city council man/woman going back twenty years should be arrested and indited for fraud and mismanagement! Water issues likes this don't crop up one day out of the blue. You are right, it was made to worsen and then place the blame on the average citizen. You see that in California with the whole state not permitting new reservoirs 30 and 40 years ago, and allowing existing reservoirs to degrade and some collapsing. Don't get me started about the damn snail dart fish in the San Joaquin Delta that has to be "protected" so all the rain water is allowed to drain away and not be stored, damn eco freaks! Water is going to be the hot commodity, controlled by a select few and rationed, you don't toe the line, you don't get water. Look at Oregon and Washington, and now other states, you cannot collect the rainwater that come off of your roof, you don't own it. Almost free water and the water districts and government can't collect a fee or tax you for water. Control. Same for personal wells.

wendyworn said...

Yep. just horrific. 100% agreed

Steve said...

Our farm, in Wisconsin, was snuggled tight up against the village line. Our wells had been drilled in the 1860's. Pure, fresh cold water, drunk by people and beasts.
Said village incorporated our farmland into their parameters and immediately ordered us to "cap" Our wells and "hook up" to city water. For the health and hygiene due to their "treatment " of their water.
Also, the department of natural resources was making statements that "they" owned all the water resources in Wisconsin.

Cederq said...

Isn't human depravity wonderful? Even with my Behavioral Science Degree and experience I would get sick to my stomach listening and reading and sometimes watching the filth and detritus people have in their life and being a nurse and a farm boy before that it is astonishing... I would leave at the end of my shift and would have to hold the barf that wanted to rise. I would say a lot of prayers for Jesus to protect me confronting this pure evil.

wendyworn said...

Steve! That is terrible! I bet the water tasted awful after that.