Wednesday, July 13, 2022

The Ninja Variant


Although normally lurking in the shadows, blending into the background, the ninja variant has recently been spotted in your local neighborhood by top scientists and lab coat wearing experts. Because of its great stealth and ability to evade all attempts to isolate it, the ninja variant could be behind every tree, bush or blade of grass. It is suggested that you stay home, alone, cowering in fear, and not outside enjoying the sun where the ninja variant can jump out and get you. It is also recommended that you wear your mask because the ninja variant is masked up as well.

In the on-going war against SARS-CV2, the ninja variant is the only variant that carries its own razor sharp katana. It slices and dices it's way through your immune system leaving no symptoms in its wake. Although we are using the same, lame PCR test as before, we know it is the ninja variant because we just told you it was. And we should know, we are getting paid big bucks from the pharmaceutical companies to tell you that.

So come on down to the local Krispie Kreme for your booster – proven safe and effective many times over – and we will throw in a free slimy donut for your troubles. Because the ninja variant is everywhere – and nowhere. You just never know.

(This Public Service Announcement was brought to you by Pfizer – who now own just about everything and have been voted most despicable corporation 3 years in a row. Our motto is – whatever health you may have left – we will take it. The sicker you are the more money we make. Mwa hahaha)


Cederq said...

You do Irony and sarcasm well! Take it on the road, be a big hit at democraps rallies and political doings... They'll love ya! But, we know democraps don't do irony or sarcasm well.

wendyworn said...

Lol! just having a little fun because it is so over the top ridiculous. I'll steer clear of the political rallies though, left or right. They are all compromised

Cederq said...

Oh, yeah both sides are the same side of the coin... You know when a politician is lying right? They open their mouth to speak. You must feel the same way I do about Krispy Kreme donuts, how anybody can eat them hot or cold... enough sugar to choke a moose and you are right slimy texture to boot. Give me an old-fashioned, glazed, chocolate, sprinkles any time....

wendyworn said...

yeah - I hate Krispie Kreme! we may be twins after all - lol!