Friday, July 15, 2022

Meeting with the Boss


Have a meeting with my manager this afternoon. I've been there for six months now. Been dreading it all week. Pray for me and have a good Friday!


Cederq said...

Just make sure your pants are on, invariably you might have to stand up... oh and brush your hair and wear a smudge of make up. I am so glad I don't have to do that. I preform medical chart audits and forensics for a law firm in Portland and they send the chart and documentation by zip file over the interweb. I may get a call now and again from one of the attorneys or me calling them with questions or some documents or lab results are not included kind of thing.

wendyworn said...

Well luckily it's not a skype or zoom call and my avatar is just my initials. but I will still keep my pants on!

Cederq said...

Wendy, I just added you to our blog role, hope it helps in your viewership and stats.

wendyworn said...

Wow! Thanks! I am greatly honored!

wendyworn said...

sounds like my kind of people. I'm glad you let me know you sent that email - it was in my spam folder! I'm on lunch at the moment but will respond to your email soon. You take care!

Cederq said...

How did the meeting go? Get a raise, a promotion? Get an atta-boy?

wendyworn said...

I wish! Nope just my 6 month check up - guess I'm doing ok - my boss wants me to take some classes for possible future promotions - so that is good.