Saturday, July 30, 2022

A God Thing


Even though I saw this coming for months, I'm surprised how quickly it hit us. All of a sudden, money got tight. Like before we had plenty and now we are pinching the pennies.

So we have a week before payday and I needed some groceries to hold us over until Friday. I am determined not to put anything on the credit card, especially now that they raised the interest rates. I am trying to get them paid off while I can. I had $40 in cash and a little left in the checking account. I drove to the store hoping it would be enough.

I usually stop at the Post Office first and then onto the old Country Mart. I opened the little door and pulled out the mail. Inside was an anniversary card from my sister. My husband and I have been married 8 years. I opened the card to read what she wrote. She had sent us a crisp 100 dollar bill!

That totally made my day. When they rang up my groceries later it came to $107. I thanked the Lord for meeting our needs once again.

(Boots on the ground report – There was not a single can of vegetables that was under a buck. Libby's corn was over 2 dollars a can! Even the generic brands were way over a dollar. I decided to get a couple cans of mixed veggies because they are more versatile. Add it to a can of soup and instead of 2 meals you have 4.

A package of 6 Johnsonville brats was almost six dollars “on sale.” I got the last container of Land o Lakes half and half ($4.15). All the rest of the half and half are filled with added chemicals. They were completely out of eggs.)

When I got home I called my sister to thank her. She recently moved and was in dire need of furniture. She told me that yesterday someone had put out a free couch in front of their house where they were having a garage sale. She knew a guy with a truck and he came right over. As they were loading the couch into the back, a different neighbor came out with a free chair! So she got that too. I really believe we are going to see more and more of this in the coming days. God will meet all of our needs in abundant ways as the adversary tries to attack us harder and harder.

The enemy is going to continue his war against us. Economically, monetarily, physically, etc. anyway he can. Remember that God is ALWAYS good. The devil will try to attack you psychologically the most. The devil stands before God accusing the brethren day and night. But not for very much longer.

Don't let them wear you out. Do not take the shot or the boosters no matter what they throw at you. Remember that our money itself is a lie. God will take care of us, trust in Him.


Anonymous said...

That is nice to see the help arriving right when needed most. Yesterday in grocery store there was an older gentleman checking out in front of me, and was taking a long time counting out coins to pay. He was obviously buying the cheapest food possible, only corn cobs and bananas. I didn’t have any spare cash on me, otherwise I would have subtly offered to pay for him with a bill and let him keep the change. Starting now I’ll bring some extra cash to the grocery store when I go.

wendyworn said...

Great idea! Sometimes its the little things that mean the most.

Cederq said...

Made it Miss Wendy, got in about 12:30pm in Sutherlin at a KOA RV park for a couple of days, get my apartment tomorrow 8/1 and unload the trailer... You are right about the generosity of fellows. I was given gas money through our pay pal thingy on the blog, Phil the other blog host set me up with an extension cord to run the AC, fed my lunch, a big Mexican dinner at a restaurant and fed me breakfast this morning and gave me 10 gallons of his stored gas he needed to rotate anyway. Didn't have any problems with the truck or camper and I am sure all the prayers made over me for a safe journey.

wendyworn said...

Very glad you made it there safe and sound cederq! Yeah - God's economy is giving and receiving. I'm happy that all your needs were met for the trip. Hope you enjoy your new apartment! Keep us all posted.