Thursday, July 14, 2022

Wake Up Everyone!

Here are some excellent reads this morning:


Scorched Earth 

The Culture of Deceit

Take care out there!





wendyworn said...

You are welcome! I love your ramblings!

Cederq said...

I do enjoy listening and watching Pat, what a woman! What a woman should be! You made a lot of good sense today Wendy, good compilation. We are in for a pile of hurt, those of us with uncommon sense, yes uncommon because there is very little common sense floating by. You have a dose of common sense, you are uncommon... dwell on that. Those of us with a sense to get out of the rain will be okay. Those that don't are dangerous and should be dealt with like a rabid dog. Do you have children? I have three, but unfortunately I was excluded from my family. Take as best care of yourself and husband as you can. God Bless.

wendyworn said...

Thank you Cederq. I have 2 kids and several grand kids. My daughter hasn't spoken to me in over 10 years because she thought that I was a (get this) conspiracy theorist! When you stand up for what is right - you stand alone. But those are the days that God really has your back.

You are right - common sense is not common anymore.