Sunday, July 24, 2022

Reprieve from the Heat


It was only 84 degrees today instead of 100 so I was able to get quite a bit of work done.

We live in an RV and have very limited storage space. When I first started ramping up our prep supplies, I put everything under the bed because that was the only real space we had. But lately, when I'm trying to sleep, I've been hearing these creaking noises. I thought that maybe it wasn't such a good idea to have all those cans weighing down the back.

So I spent most of yesterday and all of today, re-organizing and putting all the light preps like toilet paper and paper towels, pasta, etc., under the bed and moved the bulk of canned goods to other areas of the house that have more weight bearing support.

I asked my husband if he wanted to sell a bunch of my old video games (games you can't buy anymore and so far have not lost their value). He really didn't think he was up for that. He was able to recover the money from his last sale on e-bay, but I think that is the last time he will be selling anything. Just not doing very well these days.

Then I had to bring up what could potentially be a hard subject. In the past my husband has done body work and new paint jobs for some extra money. There are several bins of tools for that taking up valuable space and are also very heavy. None of them are in good enough condition to sell.

My husband agreed that his grinding days are over. He didn't even want me to bring the bins into the house to sort through. Just told me to get rid of them how I saw fit. I think it made him a little sad, but he was honest with himself about how we really needed the space for other things. So I will see if any of the neighbors are interested.

We do have some firearms and both of us have concealed weapons permits. So that area is covered.

Water is more of a concern. Three times since we have moved here we have been without water. At the store it was 3 24pks of water for 9 dollars. Then it went to 3 for $10 and yesterday, when I went to the store, it was 3 for $11! I have been filling our used water bottles and finding places to store them. We have a couple of nice water filters that we are saving for when they are needed. There is a duck pond within walking distance as a last resort.

So I will keep doing what I am doing to prepare for what is coming. I have also been praying a lot. That's a prep that doesn't cost anything but the benefits are huge. Pray with out ceasing. Resist the devil and he will Flee.

Take care out there.


Cederq said...

I know how hard it is to find storage space with live in a smaller RV then you, a pain in the petard!I know I have at least 500 to 600 pounds of can goods and prep material and I know I am overweight for my trailer, but what do you do? I beefed up the suspension and brakes and I always take the damnable cheap trailer tires they put on RV trailers and went with 6 ply, 15" truck tires so I won't get tire shredding and blowouts. I have found hidden niches so squirrel away can goods, ya just have to reach and provide sometimes create access holes. His tools have some value, I would try maybe a pawn shop and see what they will offer and stand firm. Or find repair shops and body shops and see if interested in buying them. Some FRNs are better then none.

wendyworn said...

true. I haven't looked at what he has out there yet. will probably do that tomorrow before it gets too hot.

Cederq said...

My comment sure didn't print out. A lot of grammatical mistakes, I am having a keyboard on my laptop going out and it will fill in weird stuff and in the wrong place and I didn't edit it before hitting send. I hope you can read it.

wendyworn said...

Your comment was fine Cederq! I understood what you were trying to say. Speaking of squirrel spots - our huge built in microwave doesn't work. It's a little too heavy for me to remove but I decided to start using that space to store my pots and pans, and then I have more room to store bottles of oil above my office area. Plus, no one likes to store a heavy cast iron skillet above hundreds of dollars worth of computer equipment! Especially since I have been known to drop things...LoL

Cederq said...

Is your Bounder driveable?

wendyworn said...

At the moment, not sure how far we would get. We were on our way to Texas from Oregon when it started to backfire. That is why we just stopped here in Kansas.