Sunday, July 17, 2022

Warning from a Farmer



Cederq said...

Scary as hell isn't it? The Reckoning awaits... it is ready to ponce. Her grandma and those people in that time could afford to pay the mortgage at that age housing/land prices were reasonable, dad work, mom STAYED home and took care of the house and children. One car, maybe two, but not the most expensive or gaudy car, used cars back then were king. Didn't have to have the latest toy, atvs, big screen TVs and huge entertainment centers, huge campers, big motorcycles, the McMansions, (two kids and have a 5 bedroom, 3 bath, family room, office, craft room, four stall garage to house three cars, the trip to Bermuda twice a year and an exotic vacation once a year. Both parents working to afford that lifestyle and babysitting. That is one big reason we are were we are... Don't get me started on politicians, bureaucrats and government and liberals and lawyers...

wendyworn said...

yep to all of it. we will see how things play out. Prophecy needs to happen - but I couldnt imagine it would be that easy

wendyworn said...

I little lighter than I would like - but I think we will be ok.