Monday, October 30, 2023



On Wednesday, October 25, 2023, while we were all being distracted, Acapulco, Mexico was practically wiped off the map by a Category 5 hurricane that came out of nowhere. I didn't hear anything about it until Saturday (Oct. 28) when Jeff Berwick covered it on his website:

URGENT: Media Blackout, Dire Situation in Acapulco, Mexico Due To Category 5 Hurricane Otis

Jeff states, “Not long ago I joked that I was going to have to paint my house in Acapulco blue to avoid DEW attacks.

This week, almost every house in Acapulco, and all the houses in the area where I live, including my own home, have been seriously damaged or gone… most of our staff, friends and family are homeless now… no one in the city has water or power and there’s no food… and right now, no one is coming to help except us. And, worst of all, there are dead bodies on the street and no one is even collecting them – they are left for friends and family survivors to deal with.

I haven’t been at my house in Acapulco for a while (more on that later), so it took me a few days to get the real on-the-ground intel as the whole city has been cut off from the outside completely, including all communication channels. The Mexican government’s response has been ZERO so far. Mexican media are being kept out and video uploads are not getting out, either. (We’re working on that, too)

The mainstream media say it was a hurricane.

Let’s see. A Category 5 hurricane that appeared seemingly out of nowhere, annihilating and totally cutting off a known haven for people who like governments to stay out of their business. To quote one report: “Hurricane Otis turned from mild to monster in record time, and scientists are ‘struggling’ to figure out how — and why they didn’t see it coming…”

I say it was most likely engineered.

And, as the evidence from people I trust and rely on trickle in, I am pretty sure I am right. It’s much easier to commit genocide with rain (except this hurricane had no rain) and wind than by dropping bombs. But I’ll get into that in a future video.”

The Daily Mail has an article about it here:

'Apocalyptic' Hurricane Otis leaves trail of destruction in Mexico: Category 5 storm - strongest ever to make landfall on Pacific coast - turns Acapulco's roads to rivers

This should be on every news channel, and the red-letter headlines on Drudge, but nope – hardly a word about it.

Here is some footage I was able to find on you tube:

Considering that normally they track hurricanes (and tropical storms) for days before they make landfall, the idea that this came out of nowhere to absolutely devastate a city with almost a million people is very hard to believe. The massive media blackout involved makes me very suspicious that this is yet another attack in the war against the people. It is just horrible. Please pray for these people and continue to prep.

Take care out there.


JL said...

Sad about what happened to Acapulco, same as it would be anywhere else.

But on the other hand? Screw Jeff Berwick. Seriously. During the scam-demic, Berwick couldn't stop gloating about how much better off he was than everyone else who didn't live in Acapulco and said how they all deserved the fascism they got because they weren't as smart as he thought he was.

Wonder how smart he feels now?

wendyworn said...

Lol. He does act like that.

JL said...


I mean, I used to listen to his show regularly, especially during the scam-demic. I even have a copy of his book 'The Controlled Demolition of the American Empire', which is actually a decent read. But the reason I stopped listening to his show is because he would, without fail, spend at least 5 minutes each show gloating about how awesome he thinks he is because he moved to a place like Acapulco, where he figured he'd never be touched, and how everyone else who didn't do what he did was a frickin moron for it - as if everyone was in the same position to make the kinds of moves he did.

Even if he's right and Acapulco was 'targeted' (which I seriously doubt), I guess it goes to show that if 'they' want to put a hurt on a person or place badly enough, there are no borders....sooooo it doesn't really make a difference where you are, does it?

Seriously, the guy is a Costco sized douchebag. What's worse is he's from my hometown, to boot (which, if you've ever been unfortunate enough to go to Edmonton, might actually explain a few things).

wendyworn said...

Don't mind me: thanks for the link!

JL: I like Jeff Berwick - but his gloating was getting to me too. I listen to his podcast but when he's done gloating he starts talking about new age stuff and that is when I usually have to turn it off. I just had to give him the credit because he was the first person I came across talking about Acapulco.

Anonymous said...

Edmonton isn't that bad... its the only place I travel around rather than through for work. Also only place i was ever stabbed or car jacked. I got lost in chicago and orlando ending up in bad areas both times. Still better outcomes than calgary trail in edmonton.


Anonymous said...

Jeff said ".... except there was no rain" Gee willickers batman, where did all the floodwater in the videos posted to X (formerly twatter) come from?