Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Some Little Things

Little Arthur is doing well. As you can see his eyes are open and he is looking up at his daddy. Please continue to pray for him. He is so tiny!

Amazing Polly recently put out a new video. She does some incredible deep dives on who is financing this clown show and I always learn something new from her. Unfortunately I can't embed videos from Bitchute – but I do recommend you watch it:

Conjurers of Reality

Evil White Guy has decided to call it quits. He deleted all his blog posts except this one – saying goodbye:

That’s It Folks

I'm truly sorry to see him go, but I do understand his decision to quit blogging. Everything that can be said, has been said. Who knows, maybe he will be back someday.

Hope you all are doing well. Take care out there.


Cederq said...

I wish I had learned of the Evil White Guy earlier, I enjoyed what I could on his side bar and his subjects on the header. You can only bang the drum so long and your arm gets tired. You have already reached the people you are gonna reach. Like he said, leftists don't want or care to listen to us. An example, my liberal brother and his wife, he rails against Trump, denigrates and states he purely hates him and I ask why? They don't have an answer, just tired old leftist talking points as to why. I counter with how bad the biden is and you thought I had just blasphemy his king. I have tried to point out how destructive any leftist president and politician is, no avail, but mention a republican? I am not enamored of any politician demo, repub or independent. They all are despicable, narcissistic lizard slime. If you still beating the drum, it is to the choir. I understand once you have a cadre of like minded people you need to give subtle and not-subtle reminders of why you all are on the same page.

I am glad 'lil Arthur is doing good, being alert and tracking is a good sign. Prayers in abundance for him, your sister and you two!

wendyworn said...

yeah - evil white guy use to post several times a day and I agreed with him every time. I'll miss him.

thanks for all the prayers!

Greg said...

Neonatal Intensive Care nurses are miracle workers. Our granddaughter was born at 23 weeks, 2.5 lbs. She looked much like your snapshot. Son did "kangaroo care", baby placed on his bare chest for skin contact and to hear a heartbeat. She was in for 4 months before discharge with a very benign course of progress. No transfusions, no antibiotics. She's now a rowdy and righteous 8 year old with a vocabulary that puts most college professors to shame.

wendyworn said...

what a wonderful story greg! thank you for sharing

Cederq said...

Greg, when I worked neonatal I always wore extra large scrub tops and would during grave shift lift the babies up under my scrub top to my bare skin and allow them to listen to my heartbeat and snuggle. It worked wonders! Their heartbeats and BP would rise, SAO2 would increase, capillary response would decrease from 4 seconds to a normal 2 seconds and alertness and tracking would increase. Those responses would last for some time. Just goes to show you, infants, especially preemies need human touch and stimulus.

Bear Claw Chris Lapp said...

Prayers up for little Arthur

wendyworn said...

thank you!