Wednesday, October 25, 2023

The Gift that Keeps on Giving

As most of you know, I moved here from Oregon a couple years ago. I still keep track of what's going on there. Unfortunately, Oregon consistently makes national news for the absolute worst things. So in the spirit of cleaning out my Oregon file, here are some headlines from the last couple weeks:

VIDEO: Trans Male Student Brutally Beats Defenseless Girl at Woke Oregon Middle School, Leaving Her in Tears While Fellow Students Film Incident

Portland safety commissioner asks residents not to call 911

City of Portland Tells Residents Not to Call 911 ‘Except in Event of Life/Death Emergency’

Oregon again says students don’t need to prove mastery of reading, writing or math to graduate, citing harm to students of color

If schools aren't teaching reading, writing or math – what is their purpose again? Oh, that's right, indoctrination. Can't get much lower than that.

BUT – there is still hope for Oregon. I'm surprised they are moving towards this, but if most of Oregon can just be part of Idaho – that would be great...

Oregon & Idaho legislators meet on the Greater Idaho movement

Take care out there!



Cederq said...

Those headlines and asinine statements from government agents like the safety commish is a big reason I am leaving again from this wet paradise. I swear all the moisture is rusting what brains most of the califruitlopes and washertonians possess.

Eastern Oregon wanting to join what is slowly becoming Oregon and Washington? Idaho is being infiltrated by the karens and kens that infested all the left coast states and bringing their politics with them. When I lived up in Grangeville in the panhandle, there was talk about the northern part separating from greater Idaho because of the asinine crap coming out of Boise. The talk also was neutering Coeur d'Alene because of all the limousine liberals infesting that beautiful lake and surrounding county. Nobody is happy when liberals are about...

wendyworn said...

so true.