Thursday, October 5, 2023

Pass or Fail?

(First, I have to state, for the record, that the question mark key on my computer has, for some reason, stopped working. I literally have to go to some random website and copy and paste a question mark onto the end of my sentences. I will try not to ask too many questions.)

So, it seems like they ran the big scary Emergency Broadcast System test nationwide yesterday and we all survived. I guess we can exhale now.

Now, I wasn't really worried about them triggering the zombie apocalypse or anything. I mean, not really. But they did succeed in getting three fourths of the planet to inoculate themselves against the common cold so just to be on the safe side, I put our cell phones in the microwave. Of course, I had it in my mind that the test was at 10:20am so I thought the test was long over when I pulled them out again.

The familiar sound of the signal (that we have literally heard thousands of times before throughout our lifetimes) came through the computer first and then both our phones went off. I picked up my phone and thought here goes. I opened it up and.....nothing. It was just a text message with a red triangle and an exclamation point saying this is a test blah blah blah.

So, the real question is, did we pass the test or fail (copy and paste question mark here)

So I started thinking about the whole scenario. If it was a psy-op, it wasn't aimed at the normies. It's just another day for them. So it was directed at those of us who are paying attention. We've seen the patents for ourselves that they have this technology. But, what if the patents are fake? What if all the “scientific studies” especially the ones we are suppose to “trust” that state that mRNA and luciferase and the ability to alter our DNA are all completely made up bullshit? How would we even know? I was already beginning to believe that the entire concept of virology itself is false. That maybe viruses in and of themselves do not exist at all and they have just been priming the pump this entire time. Maybe it is yet another level of deception designed to instill fear in us once again.

I'm not saying conclusively that it is all fake. I'm just asking what if? I ask again, how would we know?

I'm sure data on the reactions to the EBS test were collected at some level (most likely to be used against us in a future scenario.) So. Did we pass or fail? You decide.

Take care out there my friends.


Justin_O_Guy said...

But, what if the patents are fake?

Huhh,, that Is a good question. Deception is what they do.

wendyworn said...

Yeah, it never even occurred to me that the patents could be fake until today.

Anonymous said...

Expect more illness quicker.
The signals kick started the graphene oxide in the jabs.

wendyworn said...

I guess we shall see anon

Cederq said...

Funny, my phone never went off, I do have all the alerts turned off except the presidential and national emergencies. So nothing activated anything in my body. Means I am still a pureblood. I never have any fun... It has gotten to the point, is my hand fake? Have I really typed this and my lying eyes are to believe this fakery? Absurd isn't it? Wendy(L) I will give you a present this morning, use it sparely, least my question key wears out too...??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

wendyworn said...

thanks cederq! I needed those question marks

Michael said...

Or perhaps it is a test for when I go roque they can instantly put out my likeness, last known IP address, vehicle description and last known physical location to the millions of people waiting to report patriots, sorry I mean provocatures and nee'er do wells to the proper authorities for a loaf of bread.

wendyworn said...

wow Michael. You are so right. People will be turning in their neighbors, and their own family members. We all need to go rogue.

wendyworn said...

I dont know the answer to that question