Tuesday, July 2, 2024




Cederq said...

Oh, NO! Arbys! I love their roast beef and cheddar burger... haven't had one for five years at least. Good they go into bankruptcy. I am doing all I can to hasten that as my money doesn't shadow the door. I do find it odd a commercial that has to mock and deride people to sell something, especially bland as a potato cake which has been around for over thirty years. What those commercials do as he states is to desensitizes the average normie. It was a technique we used sparingly in behavioral therapy as it had a lot of unintended consequences and usually brought out long buried memories and anxieties that we then had to address and work through to get back to the original behavior we were addressing. It isn't a marketing breakthrough, those mind control/programming have been around since Grog could convince Nork go kill that dinosaur for the group and he stands off a ways and doen't get hurt or killed himself... or we know it as manipulation and narcissists have that down pat...

Eraser said...

You can smell the desperation of evil in this video. Four years ago, only the red-pilled crowd even talked about the "Illuminati", but alternate news and social media have normalized the term. Then, as if on cue, the lie-seekers laugh about its existence and those that believe it...but they'll believe in Bigfoot and climate change all day long. These people cannot be reached with any earthly power, only God can remove the scale from their eyes. We find it strange that people don't want to know the truth; they find it strange that we look for it.