Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Mandela Effects: Canadian Style

Several years ago, before the current douche-baggery up north, the prime minister of Canada, pictured above, decided to make daily speeches smack talking America. 

At the time, he was the first openly gay prime minister ever. He had a husband and an adopted daughter. The reason that we know this is, my husband and I hated the guy. Every time he came on to make his speeches, we would yell at the tv and talk about how extremely gay he was (using much harsher, less politically correct terminology.)

Then one day, out of the blue, the blackface spell occurred. The scandal had everyone up in arms. How horrifying that the PM of Canada would have himself photographed in blackface. The tv would show a picture of him in black face, then a picture of his wife and 5 children. My husband was the one who noticed it. It was shown over and over on all the channels.

“Wasn't that guy gay?” my husband said as yet again the tv showed the black face picture and the nice family pic with all the kids.

“Yes!” I exclaimed. “He is the first openly gay prime minister of Canada with a husband and daughter.” 

“Well, not anymore.” my husband stated.

I went online to try to find any evidence of his once gayness, and all I could find were news articles about how he attended a gay pride parade. All evidence of ever being anything but a family man with 5 children were erased from the internet. If fact, I couldn't even find anyone else who noticed the change. A whole nation of Canadians did not notice such a profound metamorphosis. It must have been a powerful spell, one that my husband and I are apparently immune to.  

From gay, to family man to hard core dictator all in the space of a few years. What is next? I shudder to think about it.  

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