Saturday, February 26, 2022

On Being Martha

Sigh. It was really a crappy week. 

The app I use to clock in at work disappeared from my computer over the last weekend. Then I got in trouble for working with IT to get it fixed off the clock. Catch 22. I swear I am being sabotaged – and not by a person this time. 

The day I was going to take a shower (having already pushed it an extra day) we had no running water. Thankfully we have 2 extra cases of water. Which were in the car and frozen solid. I also had a sink full of dirty dishes, that I thought I would be able to wash that morning before work. I put a case of water by the heater so it could thaw. I guess I will need to start buying water and keeping it in the limited space I have in the house. 

The water came back on yesterday afternoon and I was so relieved. Then the neighbor came and knocked on the door to tell us we have a leak. (insert expletive here) He was nice and turned the water off for us. So again no running water. The new Chad won't be able to come fix it until Monday when everything thaws.

I got up this morning at 2:30am, hoping to have some actual time to myself. But my husband decided to get up with me. I made him some coffee and breakfast. Let the dog out and the icy air in. I resent the dog. Just one more responsibility I have on my shoulders. It is 1 degree out and it's been too cold to walk her so there are several piles of poop out the front door that I will have to go pick up later today. 

I had always hoped I was a Mary. Nope. I'm definitely a Martha. That sucks. Cumbered about much serving. Not that I would go narc to Jesus on someone else. Not really my style. But Martha's problem was she felt sorry for herself because there was all this work to be done, and she resented Mary for doing what she herself wanted to do. Sit at the feet of Jesus and hear His teaching. 

Maybe that is the solution for me. I can't do any of the things I would normally do today, take a shower, wash the dishes, make banana bread. But there is something I can do. Sit at the feet of Jesus and just listen. 

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