Sunday, February 27, 2022

The Importance of Rest

God knows how very important having a day of rest is, that He made it a commandment. To rest on the 7th day. The main reason the children of Israel were carried off to Babylon for 70 years was that they weren't letting the land rest. They were to sow their crops for six years and on the 7th year they were to let the land rest. Not only were they not letting the land rest the 7th year, but they were doing sneaky stuff like renting out their land to the pagans around them for the 7th year. “We aren't sowing the land.” was their attitude. How did that work out for them?

I was guilty of doing the same thing. I was not taking a day off, so God had to force me to. With no running water in the house, I pretty much couldn't do anything. But it was more than that. I was physically, emotionally and spiritually wiped out. I was empty. I had nothing more to give. 

God showed me that He would fill me back up again, but that I needed to do no work and really rest. I mean more than just taking a nap (I took three). But to not even think. Not to worry about what isn't getting done. Not think about what is going on at work, my husband's health, the dog, or what is going on in the world. Literally, my brain needed to rest as well. Especially to not feel guilty about it. The adversary loves to make us feel bad about really taking a day off when there is so much that needs to be done. It is God's will that we have that day of rest. Remember that the next time you feel bad about needing a break. 

So, I rested yesterday, for the first time in quite a while. It was very peaceful, and I really needed it. When I woke up this morning, I felt incredibly refreshed. Plus, my attitude had healed, and I did not feel so hopeless and overwhelmed like I had yesterday morning. The Lord had filled me back up so I could continue in my walk and be able to give to the needs of my family. Thank you, Lord!

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