Sunday, March 13, 2022

Rumors of War - Part 2

This picture was on the front of yesterday with many links to all the war stories. Take a very good look. This is not a picture of war, but a carefully designed photo as part of the worldwide psy-op. I mean, who you gonna shoot, bro? There is NOBODY there! Not for miles in front of this guy. I wonder how long he plans on laying there? It reminds me of all the news stories on how the hospitals were filled with sick people and they would show you empty cots in gymnasiums. If they did happen to show you a real hospital bed, it was filled with a mannequin or a (I'm sure well paid) crisis actor. 

Remember that the kings of the earth did not gather together (Gog and Magog) to fight each other. The war is on – but it is against God and God's people. It's against us.

Yesterday, I decided to check some twitter accounts that I go to sometimes. I could read a couple tweets but then if I wanted to read more, I would have to sign in. That's new. I never had to sign in before to read people's tweets. It was the same on several twitter accounts. They would just love to have my info and who I'm following. Well, I don't care if I ever read another tweet again. It will get worse I'm sure. You will not be able to anonymously browse the internet in the foreseeable future. That is just the least of what they are planning to do. It's almost stupid to bring it up. 

Gas here is now $3.89 a gallon, which isn't as bad as other areas of the country. It's $5.87 for a 24 case of water at the store. So far the prices haven't risen too bad and the shelves are still stocked. For now.

Keep praying and trust the Lord. He will fight for us.


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