Friday, March 25, 2022

Rumors of War - Part 4

Now this photo – on first glance seems like – aww – sad woman crying about the devastation. But take a closer look. First of all, this woman is wearing a fur coat and a fairly sizable ring. Unfortunately, I can't zoom in and see more detail on the ring, but I have my suspicions about it. 

The average price for a real fur coat is between $1000 - $5000 dollars each. Depending on the fur. Regardless, fur coats are very expensive, and usually not for everyday wear. So lets assume it may be faux fur. The average price of a fake fur coat is between $150 - $500 a piece. Still pretty expensive in my book. 

Notice there is still a yellow and blue theme in the background – although it is well hidden. 

This picture is carefully designed to mock those people who believe that whatever is going on over there is real. This is a wealthy elite woman, wearing an expensive fur coat. She is not crying (there are no tears), she is laughing her ass off. To top it off, she is making the sign for silence by covering her mouth. She knows the truth. She thinks it's funny that the culling of the herd is underway as we speak. 

Meanwhile, here at home, a can of soup costs almost 4 dollars. The fake president signed an executive order which opens the door for a US central bank digital currency. Once that is fully implemented and you can no longer have private transactions or use cash, you can kiss your monetary freedom good bye.

We are literally on the cusp of the full implementation of the mark of the beast system. Now is the time to get right with God and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. Because when this thing goes live, They will be the only course of survival. The time to pray is now.

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