Wednesday, March 2, 2022

WTF are NFT's?

This is the latest scam to part the money from the fools out there. 

Technically – NFT stands for Non-Fungible Tokens. LOL does that explain it for you? Let's break it down. Non – NOT, Fungible – INTERCHANGEBLE, Tokens – FAKE MONEY.

So, unlike Bitcoin or other crypto currencies, NFT's are not interchangeable. That is because there are all different NFT's. And because “they” say so, NFT's are considered one of a kind and unique. For example, apparently the very first tweet from that douche bag Jack Dorsey is an NFT. Technically, a piece of art. Here it is:

This tweet was sold for 2.9 million dollars. (coded nine-eleven anyone?) Supposedly the CEO of some Malaysian blockchain company named Sina Estavi bought it, who compared buying this one stupid tweet to buying a Mona Lisa painting. (which is possibly the first painting of a tranny, but that would take to long to write about). So Sina is now the owner of the first tweet. (yet somehow it made it's way to my humble little blog.) 

Here is a good resource of info on the subject: – a lot of symbolism on that website. 

What prompted me to look into the subject was this article:

Parlor launches Marketplace featuring Trump NFTs!

I guess Melania has already done the same thing. According to Forbes – Trump NFT's sell for $2750 each! Imagine paying that kind of money for what is essentially a meme. That is more than I make in a month. Yeah, I don't think so. 

I would suggest not buying any NFT's and maybe use your money for, oh I don't know – water, food, gas etc. Shelling out big bucks for memes is not going to do you any good when they shut down the internet. Just saying. 

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