Monday, June 13, 2022

Let's Talk About the Weather


I decided to investigate the strange storms happening in my area almost nightly.

My first stop was here: Western Kansas Groundwater Management District No. 1. They have a link on their front page titled Weather Program. So, I went to that page. As you can see from the screenshot below – their weather program has been suspended due to lack of funding. 


As you are probably well aware – any time a government agency says that a program has been suspended or closed down that they are totally telling you the truth. Just like with the MK Ultra program, surveillance and various other programs that should never have been started in the first place. So phew! Nothing to see here.

Here is the brochure they used to sell the local farmers on their program originally.


My guess is that they caused massive hail storms with their weather program destroying farmers crops (problem)

The farmers freak out. (reaction)

The weather program is activated – thus saving the day. (solution)

I thought it was strange that it was the groundwater district that was involved and not the dept. of transportation since planes are involved. But upon further investigation I understand why. The poor farmers in these parts have been under attack in the area of water rights and what they can and can't do with the water on their property for almost a century.

Unfortunately – I don't have the time to go into all the details at the moment – but here are some relevant links:

Federal Reserved Water Rights And State Law Claims

Farmers Fight Environmental Regulations

There is some more interesting things concerning water rights in this area but I will have to cover it tomorrow. In the meantime – here is another link that the Gateway Pundit put out yesterday:

Here isthe Updated List of US-Based Food Manufacturing Plants Destroyed Under Biden Administration

Take care out there.


Cederq said...

Living in Grangeville, ID and talking with the lucid old, oldtimers they can never remember having this much rain and cool weather this late into June. Chemtrails and weather modulation, though conspiracy theorist topic, the empirical evidence sure suggest it may be more fact then fallacy.

wendyworn said...

definitely evidence, plus - not surprising they would use it on us. they are using everything else! take care!