Thursday, June 16, 2022

Net Zero Water - Part Two


So I am going to wrap up the water portion of this research. It is way too huge to do more than just brush the surface. But I had never looked into it before. I thought it was fascinating and also horrifying.

So now all the farms and everyone else, local and otherwise have their water regulated. What was free from God, is now a hot commodity that can be bought and sold – the adversaries economy. Huge markets and companies sprang up. One of which is Mammoth Water which “led the development and implementation of the world’s most advanced water markets in the world – called smart markets”

“Smart” is code for control and stupidity.

So the expense of implementing all these regulations is harsh to say the least. First you have to purchase all the metering equipment, then there is installation and maintenance. Then you have to keep track of your usage, because at any time some fat, government bureaucrat, can come to your farm and see how much water you are “conserving”. Here is the list of penalties you face for “over pumping”.

Every year, more and more regulations are added which entails more and more paperwork, etc. Ahhh, but they have an app for that! “To do the thinking for you so you don't have to.” Introducing TAPP H20 – The water management software built just for farmers.


This video pissed me off to no end. They are literally mocking the farmers with this dumbed down version. It is highly insulting as far as I am concerned.

The end goal is net-zero water. They will have you save and save those millions of gallons of water. It will eventually be required to be digitized and interconnected to the internet of things. Once that is accomplished, one day, out of the blue, they will just push a button and turn it off. No more water for you.


Cederq said...

Are you saying the local government and companies meter your own well water? I would tell them to stick it! I am getting very tired of bureaucracies dictating rules and made up regulations and laws written by lobbyists and lawyers to benefit them. Like you say water is free to them and to us...

wendyworn said...

it appears that yes - they can meter your private wells. here is the link for the form you "need" to fill out.

It cost $100 upfront and then annually after that. they are thieves and robbers for sure. if everybody stood up and said hell no - we might not be in the current mess we are in, but, alas, people just comply. have a great day!

Cederq said...

What are they gonna do, cap your well? You had to get a permit when the well was dug. They have no more interest then that. You own the water below you, unless you signed away your water rights.

wendyworn said...

I guess we will see what the future holds.

Mr Nah said...

All this is driven from the "sustainability" people of the UN. Of cause, we know the real problem is too many people. The useless eaters need to be culled to get to a more "sustainable" world population of 500,000,000 as the Georgia "Guide Stones" inform us. The clot/immune compromising/GMO shots have started their insidious work. This is the last of nine you tube clips that sheds light on the evil times we live in.

wendyworn said...

Thanks for commenting mr. nah. you are absolutely right. I will take a look at the video.