Sunday, June 26, 2022


I wrote a blog post yesterday, concerning the recent decisions from our traitorous supreme court. In the end, I decided not to post it, I was having a pretty bad day.

On Thursday, literally 2 minutes before I was supposed to clock into work, a storm came up out of nowhere above our heads and knocked the internet offline. I spent the next hour and a half trying to get it to come back up. I called the internet provider and they confirmed that the internet outage was caused by the storm. I asked if I could get an email stating that confirmation that I could forward to my boss. They refused to send me an email.

The (insert female gender specific expletive here) told me I needed to go to their website, fill out a form with all my information and request an email. I told her that I can't go to the website because the internet is down and I am requesting an email from her. When she refused again, I asked to speak to her supervisor. She advised me that they would tell me the same thing. I said, that is fine, I want to hear it from them. She proceeded to put me on hold until the end of time, but I had to hang up after 20 minutes because by then the internet had come back on and I had to get back to work.

The storm ended at exactly that moment and disappeared, as if it had never occurred. I don't know what that was about, but it definitely felt like a spiritual attack.

That and a myriad of other things contributed to my mini melt down yesterday. That is all I am going to say about that.

Take care out there.


Cederq said...

Sorry you had a bad day... companies do that when you want to speak with a stupidvisor, place you on hold until you have to give up due to other catastrophes that take place while you are in hold hell. That happens to me, I do a research and find the phone number to the CEO or Presidents office of the company and I discuss my concern with customer support of his company and how I am a disgruntled client or customer. That usually clears things up.

wendyworn said...

Thank you. im better today. probably won't call the ceo, this is the only internet provider for this area. I think that is why they get away with such horrible customer service

Mr Nah said...

When you say traitorous Supreme Court decision, are you referring to the repeal of the Roe v Wade decision?

wendyworn said...

No. They did something right for once. They were traitorous before that.

Mr Nah said...

Yes agreed