Thursday, April 6, 2023

A Sign of Things to Come: Subway Style

I had to run into town for a few things and had a coupon for three foot-long Subway sandwiches for $17.99. We haven't eaten at a Subway for a long time so we thought it might be a yummy dinner.

There was a sign on the front door stating that the lobby was closed due to lack of staff. I drove around to the drive thru. There is not a person that takes your order so that you can give them any special instructions. I usually like to ask them to wrap each half separately. Instead there is a huge touch screen that looks like a giant phone where you can order. I wasn't able to just order 3 identical subs. I had to go through the entire process for each one. It literally took about 10 minutes.

I wasn't overly surprised they didn't have enough staff. The last time I was there, about 6 months ago, the frazzled girl behind the counter told me they were having staffing issues. She said that she had opened that morning and would be closing that night. Poor girl. She made excellent sandwiches too.

I'm wondering where all the high school students are that should be working at a place like that. Of course, if I was a young person, knowing what I know now, I would not work at any of these corporate fast food entities. There are other places in town, locally owned, where I would rather work.

I pulled up to the window and they told me it would be 46 dollars. I handed them my coupon. When all was said and done it ended up being twenty six something. (I did order bacon on our Italian BMT's). Wow.

The sandwiches were really, not that good. Subway assures us that they no longer add yoga mats to the bread but I'm not so sure. I told my husband that this may be the last time we eat at a Subway, considering. He agreed. It's just not worth it – even with a coupon.

In the grand scheme of things – this isn't really that dire. I hear that McDonald's is laying off a good portion of their corporate office staff. They have plans to go completely robotic. I don't eat at McDonald's anyway, since I REALLY don't trust them – I certainly won't be eating there when AI takes over.

Anyway, take care out there.


wendyworn said...

home cooking is way better for sure. I know I can make a better sandwich for much cheaper than this garbage.

Cederq said...

Good morning Wendy and Mr Wendy... Yoga mats? I eat occasionally at the local Subway and they have had to close early because of staffing issues, but I tend not to be out that late at night anymore. I agree, the quality of fast food has bottom out, not that we were eating gourmet food but good food. When I do eat at Sub or a local hamburger joint I use their coupons as the prices are ridiculous. Robots making food? Not me, they lost my business already, I don't eat at the McDuds, BurgerKrap, Jackoffinbox, or any other of the fast food mystery joints. The only places that hire these tatted, hardware infested, hollow eyed freaks are the fast food hazardwaste processing joints... I rather go to a small town café, like the old days and sit with normal people and eat a good, wholesome food. Those were the days...

wendyworn said...

yeah - i miss those days too