Wednesday, April 12, 2023


It's a little naughty that I am covering this story. I just can't help myself :)

I guess Walmart had to pull some of it's t-shirts recently, due to the fact that there was a “dirty” word hidden within them. There is an example above – see if you can find the word. Go ahead – I'll wait.

MSN has the story here.

What I find so funny is not the t-shirt itself (although that IS funny.) It's the idea of the kind of people who would buy (it was one of Walmart's best sellers) and wear it. It is so much more appropriate now.

This story had me chuckling all day yesterday.

Anyway! Take care out there.


Cederq said...

I read that story too yesterday on ITOW new feed and showed it to my brother and we laughed our posteriors off... Any more electrical gremlins in your abode?

wendyworn said...

gremlins be gone! hopefully it stays that way!

Bear Claw Chris Lapp said...

Some people have dirty minds, unbelievable.