Monday, April 10, 2023

How Did Dorothy get to Oz?

This is the latest video from Dane Wigington:


First of all, please understand that Dane Wigington IS a gatekeeper. But like all gatekeepers you can still get real information – just need to be discerning. What he does mention, at the beginning of the video, is the high increase in the amount of tornadoes that have occurred this year compared to last year. He likes to talk a lot about the ozone layer, climate change and bird flu being real, etc. So even though he speaks a lot of truth in this video, he absolutely refuses to talk about ground based cloud machines. It is getting increasingly difficult to find you-tube videos on the subject.

This video talks a little about it, but not very much in the context of weather manipulation. Because this technology is only used for good and benevolent reasons, doncha know.

Jake the Asshole (that's his channel name!) put it all together during his recent live stream. It's a 3 hour live stream but the relevant parts are from the 53 minute mark to 1:07 min. I highly recommend you go watch that here.

Just something to keep in mind when these “natural” disasters occur. Oh – and Happy Monday. LOL!

Take care out there.


Cederq said...

Have you had those weird contrails and clouds in your area Wendy(L)? While living up in South Dakota I saw them frequently... damn .gov and corrupt scientists, There are some thing you don't screw with.

wendyworn said...

They spray here almost daily. It really sucks. Why is Kansas in a drought? That's why.