Monday, June 5, 2023

Beyond Identity and Zero Trust

I noticed on Friday that a program was downloaded onto my work computer. It was titled Beyond Identity. I have received several emails regarding it so it wasn't a surprise. It did bother me though. It was something I was hoping to avoid. Alas, no – there is no avoiding it. It is basically coming to a computer near you – whether you want it to or not.

Beyond Identity is a new way of identifying users and devices of an organization that eliminates passwords (to avoid phishing and other cybersecurity attacks) and allow only authorized access to the company infrastructure.

How do you properly identify a user without a password?

Bio-metrics of course.

I actually opened a strange new (yet not entirely surprising) Pandora's box when attempting to research the subject. One aspect of Beyond Identity is the Zero Trust concept. The bottom line meaning of Zero Trust is:

We (the company, globalist organization or whoever is ultimately going to be running the show) don't TRUST you (the user, peasants of the world, economic slaves to the system) to do the right thing as far as your passwords and other important data. Therefore we have zero trust and we will be monitoring your every keystroke 24/7. Built into the system is, of course, the ability to “quarantine” a user or cut off their access altogether. Ouch.

Beyond Identity partners with World Wide Technologies to help with the implementation of this exciting new aspect of our ever growing global prison. Here is Matt Berry, Senior Director Global Field Cyber CTO to tell us more about it.

I know it's a little dry, but you really should watch it. It is starting in the business realm, but it WILL be implemented in the private sector at some point in the future. There will come a day when you will need to have an internet ID to do anything online. The enemy has already war gamed a coming world wide cyber attack. It will be the excuse they need for execution of the internet lock down.

Of course I got all distracted about Matt Berry's ability to write backwards so beautifully. Most people's normal handwriting is not that nice. I wonder if Matt knows Aleister Crowley?

I guess it's time to go to work. I'll keep you posted on what happens.

Take care out there.


Cederq said...

You are right, a Pandora's big box and it has been opened. I noticed all the razzle dazzle buzz words, that quite truly didn't mean anything to me, no context to the issue at hand and a word salad at least. Much like a magician, you are watching what is in his right hand and not the left is where the action is.
They are trying to shift the blame and the work of protecting the program/data/environment to the user instead of writing and implementing software that is invulnerable. Basically saying it is you peon that is causing us problems instead of writing a strong and secure OS and application software. What you are looking at is "Big Brother" Telemetry? only use is to WATCH what a device/vehicle/plane/spaceship is doing and it's environment both internal and external and make corrections, you are now a device we need to correct... Makes ya'll warm and fuzzy doesn't it?

WWT? kinda close to other WW* anagrams... Just look at the first, zipper boy, his weird goatee. Yes, learn to walk/talk/write/read/chew backwards? Alister Crowly indeed.

wendyworn said...

not so much word salad as word spells - deliberately not telling us the whole story and meant to confuse you. everything is run by sorcerers.

Justin_O_Guy said...

The enemy has already war gamed a coming world wide cyber attack.

I figure everything They are War Gaming is in preparation for Doing It when they can get away with it. Remember, that IQ bell curve that I suspect everyone here lives on the right side of has plenty of people who live on the left side of it. While you walk around amazed that so many people are still believing the absolute, obvious bullshit of the Global Warming crap,and amazed at the number of people who are jumping on the New Truth that A man can declare himself a woman and Poof! It's So! They have figgered out that they don't hafta do it so WE don't get it. As long as the morons don't see through it, they can just call us Conspiracy Theorists, again.
Watching idiots in sufficient numbers drag society down The Worst roads, led by anti human evil people,,
Naah, it's FIIINE,, everything is going to be Fiine.. They said so.

wendyworn said...

you are correct justin - we see it - but there is just no way to wake up the true believers