Tuesday, June 13, 2023

The Neon God They Made

I have to tell you that I was absolutely chilled to the bone when I read this article:

Hundreds of Protestants attended a sermon in Nuremberg given by ChatGPT, which told them not to fear death

I highly recommend you read the whole article. This is happening right now – not in some far away future. NOW.

The sermon was written by ChatGPT and delivered via TV screens using computer generated avatars. Around 300 people were in attendance. This is just the beginning. You can't get more image of the beast than this. Or maybe you can. I shudder to think about it.

The same day that I read that article, another horrifying article came out from our arch nemesis – the World Economic Forum:

WEF Calls for AI to Rewrite Bible, Create ‘Religions That Are Actually Correct’

They have already been rewriting the bible through the mandela effect. If you are unaware of the changes made to the bible – the lion no longer lies down with the lamb – Isaiah 11: 6 – now its the wolf. Yes. The wolf is definitely in the house. That is just one example of the changes. But that is a whole other blog post. At least the WEF is finally coming out and admitting it.

These are very dark times we are living in. The enemy is pulling out all the stops and the time to press into Jesus and pray for discernment is now. The sleeping masses will be led right to the slaughter. We still need to try to warn them if we can.

I know we have all heard this song many, many times before – but take the time to read the lyrics. They are singing about the days we are living in. Take care out there my friends.



Justin_O_Guy said...

WEF want The AwThorUhtees to seize farms and kill cattle, all in the name of stopping Global Warming. They have announced their intentions And they obviously have the means to achieve their goals.
If someone threatens you and it's a Credible Threat, you have the Right to defend yourself. Some of us are old, beat up and unable to go looking for trouble beyond our own back yard. Gates,a Real, no kidding, genocidal freak owns more farmland than anyone else. If food is produced by that creep it will not be safe to eat. They TOLD US we will eat bugs. And how convenient that the goals, inscribed on the Georgia Guidestones have been destroyed.
Does it Matter? The people who have been paying attention Know what they said and can see how they used covid to jab people, which is continuing to kill. Some people saw it coming, others went in search of a way to get their jabs before others. We are going to watch the sheeple drink the koolaid. The people who hated us,the Jab averse, who wanted us Dead, because We were the threat, are literally committing suicide, and I won't warn them again.
If someone had told me in 76,when I graduated from the Air Farce,that one day there would be a tiny percentage of the population who were crazy enough to say, with a straight face, that they are Now women. AAAND the media and government, rather than mock them and send them off to the nuthouse, demand that We,the sane, nod in agreement and tell them to use the same restrooms as our wives and daughters, I would have told them that is crazy and impossible. Science is, and people don't change sex. Ohh,,but we're Watching
Evil called good, and good,evil.

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

We need a month of That,,, not a month of celebration for insanity and perversion.

Debating whether I should erase it or hit send..
I hope I don't upset the people who visit here. Wendy, if it doesn't post, I'll understand. It's pretty
Out there..

wendyworn said...

I'm so glad you posted this comment, Justin. I agree with you on all points. I think there is still a lot of us out here that feel the same way as you do. I believe that you right. Just like we were shocked at the sheer numbers of people who lined up for the shots - there will be more who will agree to any thing if they can't eat. They will worship the beast, and the dragon who gives power to the beast.

God will protect those that are His. If I warn the people, as a watchman, and they don't listen, their blood is on their own heads. If I don't warn them, then their blood is on mine. God's desire is that all men be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth. It is so sad how much most of them hate the truth - and us as well.

Your thoughts and insights are always welcome here Justin. Please don't hesitate to comment.

Deathray said...

Funny how you mention warnings.
I started to post this earlier today and just hit delete instead. But, I’ll say it now.

Over the weekend I talked by phone with 2 friends. The topic of the fires in Canada came up.
Both guys are avid watchers of Fox News and consider themselves well informed.
They were shocked that I said the fires were set intentionally, and it was to drive people from the country into 15 minute cities.
Neither one was familiar with the term. So I found some articles about them and a few videos and passed them along. One friend responded back telling me that I was off on another conspiracy theory. He’s in Pa. and had commented about how bad the air quality was and that his family was having a hard time breathing. The other guy is in Montana. A day later he texted telling me he found the information interesting and actually shared it with the guys that he has Sunday breakfast with at the diner. None of them were aware of the information either. He said they all started to think it was something that was possible. He actually texted me that afternoon and thanked me for making him aware of it. Since the flu bug of 2020, I’ve lost some friends that were like brothers to me over my warnings about taking the jabber. We live in some very strange times!!!!

wendyworn said...

that is an amazing story Deathray - you never know who will listen and take it to heart and who will reject it. I was friends with a girl who worked in security at my last job who ended up becoming a total notzee once the shot was mandatory and we had to wear masks. It was very sad - I stopped talking to her after that because she would be one of the ones who would turn you in to the secret police if she got the chance.

Another young girl I worked with dressed like a total goth. She came to me to give her notice about how this was so wrong and she would have no part in it and I was totally shocked about how smart she was and how much she could see what was going on. So you just never know.

Anonymous said...

Despite all these attacks and continued degradations (Mandela effect warping scripture, ChatGPT’s push to dehumanize and de-spiritualize etc), keep one thing in mind —> They wouldn’t be trying so hard, if we weren’t so powerful. Each of us has an eternal spark of The Divine within us. While they have the (apparent) ability to destroy, degrade and ruin, we have the ability to create.

And the ability to create communities. Just like in your cited examples, goth girl shocked you with her level of Awareness.

So while I do take note of all these affronts and WEF etc attempts to grind us into something resembling cricket powder, knowledge and certainty that we remain eternal beings, temporarily experiencing a material existence keeps me confident and generally immune to fear and frustration.

Keep up the great work of opening people’s eyes, and weaving an unseen thread of resolve through those people who are Awake, confident and resolved to resist whatever comes our way.

wendyworn said...

Thank you for posting that Anon. Very profound - I don't even know how to respond but your comment gives me much peace. Thanks.