Friday, June 2, 2023

Eight Dollar Bread

A couple weeks ago I found a loaf of bread at my local grocery store made from Wholesome Harvest. It was the 9 grain and seed variety and it has the official NON-GMO logo on it. I looked at the rest of the ingredients and they all seemed pretty good so I bought it and brought it home.

It was the most delicious bread I have eaten in a very long time, and the fact that it was certified non-gmo made it that much better. The next time I went to the store, they didn't have any, but I still had half a loaf left so it didn't bother me.

On Saturday, I went back to the store for my regular weekly grocery shopping. They were still out of that bread. I started looking at the other breads, to see if I could find something similar. Every single loaf of bread in the aisle had bio engineered ingredients. Every. Single. One. Sara Lee, Orowheat, the local cheap store brand. There were two exceptions. One was the Sara Lee Artisan bread, but I don't like them for my morning fried egg sandwiches because the slices are too thick. The other was Dave's Killer Bread – which is normally pretty good and is non-gmo. It also costs $7.99 a loaf.

I had no other choice, I picked up the Dave's Killer Bread.

There is one checker that works at the store who still wears a mask even though no-body else who works there wears one anymore. I usually make it a point not to go into her line but she was the only one open and as a matter of principle I refuse to use the self-check out.

The masked checker asked me if I had found everything I needed. (She ended up being really nice and I almost felt guilty about avoiding her all this time... Almost). I told her about the Wholesome Harvest bread being gone, the fact that it was 8 dollars for the Dave's Killer bread and how all the other breads had bio engineered ingredients.

She actually agreed about the bio engineered ingredients being in everything. She took the time to call the manager and he wrote down the Wholesome Harvest bread and said he would look into why it wasn't on the shelf anymore and if possible make sure it was there for next time. Wow. That's some excellent home town customer service for you!

The Dave's Killer bread was stale when I got it home. Sigh.

My battle against bio engineered ingredients continues.

I'm taking tomorrow off from blogging as usual. See you on Sunday!

Take care out there.



bob said...

expensive bread crumbs or filling.

wendyworn said...

will probably make some french toast

Cederq said...

French toast? French toast? As I pop my sleepy head up when I heard the magic words! Set a place for me! I will bring the coffee!

I like the 9 or 12 grain breads and Franz and Sara Lee are up there in price and the slices are cut too thin, can't hold up my peanut butter and jam. The local store has a bargain 12 grain that is $2.49 a loaf versus $5 or $6 bucks for the other yuppie brands of boutique breads. The slices are just about right and lucky it isn't GMO or biofrankincised! Yeah! We have that Dave's and tried it over at my brother's house, wasn't impressed with it's claim, if you say it is a "Killer" it better melt in my mouth and produce a carbohydrate silly assed grin on my face that lasts at least an hour... I have a feeling we are gonna have to learn to make our own bread until local bakeries pop back up to fill the void.

wendyworn said...

yes, definitely time to make our own bread!

Peteforester said...

Yeah; you can get good, honest bread at the store if you can afford it. Pretty soon though, you CAN'T afford it, and are FORCED to buy the lab rat bread. ...'Part of the plan... Yeah; make your own. That's the way to go.

I don't have an issue with people continuing to wear masks. One never knows what medical issues they're dealing with. Maybe they or a family member is undergoing chemo and have severely compromised immune systems. My issue is with other people forcing ME to wear a mask!

Justin_O_Guy said...

In Longview Texas, If you can catch a shelf that still has a loaf of Daves, it won't be stale. I'm not a huge fan of the Seed Cake breads, but they beat the Regular stuff on the bread aisle. I haven't read the list of poisons in my bread in a while. Sounds like it's time. Sounds like it's time to build the outdoor oven. We have Lots of clay. And plenty of wood.

Cederq said...

Bought a breadmaker yet? I was looking at one at Bi-Mart today...

wendyworn said...

I actually had a bread maker years ago. never should have given it up.