Sunday, June 25, 2023

Sunday Music: Back in the Day

Many, many years ago, long before the planes crashed into the buildings and the world changed, back when I knew nothing of politics or conspiracies, one of my favorite bands was Staind. I had totally forgotten that era of my life. I was reminded of them when I saw them on the Lucky Side Bar*. I actually owned a couple of their CD's at one time, which are long gone now. A good portion of their music is way too heavy metal for me, but these are a few of the songs I really liked.

*Deathray's favorite hang out.


Cederq said...

Heavy Metal? Hmm... No Country & Western? Jazz?

wendyworn said...

sorry cederq. I knew you would be disappointed. what can I say? I'm a multi-genre girl

Cederq said...

Heavy Metal is just annoying noise and I am surrounded by those that dip their ears into that "genre..." At least you haven't posted anything of Rap, or voiced an appreciation. That would be a deal-breaker for me. You have got that going for ya.

wendyworn said...

I should be safe then. I hate Rap.

wendyworn said...

weird - it must be something in the air - Bayou Renaissance Man had heavy metal today too!

Deathray said...

I have a couple of them in the music library.
I can relate to, “ it’s been awhile”. I doubt Cederq even listened to it because you mentioned heavy metal.
I don’t have much of that ( heavy metal) except maybe a couple Metallica songs.
Mostly classic rock mixed in with some blues. Pink Floyd/David Gilmore will always be my go to.
Here’s 2 for you to look up on screwtube. Joe Bonnamassa Mountain time live at Royal Albert Hall.
Joe Bonamassa & Beth Hart I’d rather go blind live in Amsterdam.

Cederq said...

What is weirder is he posted heavy metal... not his usual style. Oh blessed junk food, don't give Phil any ideas to post on his blog... he does it just enough to cause me to shut my 'puter down. Like I said, surrounded by heavy metal freaks...I'll go listen to my oldies C&W station.

wendyworn said...

Deathray - "it's been awhile" was what got me interested in that band. It's a great song. I will check out Joe Bonamassa. Pink Floyd is one of my all time favorite bands.

wendyworn said...

Ok - I went to listen to Jon Bonnamassa. That song "Drive" is excellent. Want to know something really ironic? I've actually posted a Jon Bonnamassa song on this blog a couple years ago.

I loved that song driving towards the daylight - I just didnt remember who sang it. what a trip!

Deathray said...

That is a good tune.
He does a good live show I’ve seen a few of them. Never know what to expect. Could be acoustic or electric.
Pay no mind to Kevin. He get whiny when his blood sugar is out of wack. And at times he creates his own prison. Ha ha.

Johno said...

Wendyworn, re Deathray’s “it’s been awhile” can refer to a variety of topics. Being the reincarnation of mountain man Liver-Eatin’ Johnson, I think it’s been awhile since: he last saw a white woman, apart from emergency medical staff (so you want to be careful should you go visit him in person); he had more than a stagnant beaver pond to bathe in; he last had any DEET insect cream, so relies on the Injun’s traditional rancid bear grease, even he having to keep his nose into the wind.

wendyworn said...

interesting. technically "stagnant beaver pond" could also refer to a variety of topics, so I'm not sure what you are on about. But the first song on this Sunday Music choice is called, "It's been awhile" by Staind. everyone needs to listen to it at least once before they judge.

Johno said...

Miss wendyworn, I was just having a shot at Deathray and his mountain man persona, but nothing hateful, even if he and his buddy Cederq do resort to regular pearl-clutching should anyone come close to giving them some of their own medicine in return. I’m behind about 50:1 with the pair.
I heard somewhere that during the Alaskan summer with the creeks not flowing, that Death being starved for companionship has been known to frolic amid the old beaver dams, splashing the Sasquatch girls that venture close enough. That this is also the source of his bath and drinking water, Deathray’s poor doggy becomes a touch cranky at all the goings on.

wendyworn said...

Lol. ok - good to know. I was unaware that Deathray was a mountain man. Do they have good internet out in the wild?

Deathray said...

Before Elon’s overhead balloons we had Huges net. That’s what I use.