Wednesday, July 5, 2023

I am Not a Robot

I heard in a recent podcast that if you click the box that says, “I am not a robot” you are actually giving permission to have all your browsing history researched. It was an interview with Ole Demmagard (I dont know how it is spelled) but I do not have a link now. So going forward, as much as is possible, I'm not checking the box.

I had a wonderful day yesterday. I got a lot of things done and made cabbage rolls for the first time in my life. They turned out very tasty with lots of leftovers.

Back to work, but it is a short week so should go fast. Hope everyone is well. Take care out there.


Cederq said...

I don't know they still insist to using those idiotic "I am not a robot" click. I understand AI 'bots can click on those to bypass that silly requirement. Why I don't comment on those sites. I wasn't aware that it gave permission to browse my history and other aspect of my 'puter. I don't remember given express, informed consent as I have never seen any TOSs that wasn't 90 pages of small, gobblygook legalese that was even close to a contract and by law a contract has to benefit all parties or address clicking on a robot denier.

Cabbage rolls? I like cabbage rolls, that with cornbread and beans, you can make your own fireworks or nerve gas, depending on how much you eat...

Justin_O_Guy said...

Do I hit the
I am not a robot
Box below?