Friday, July 14, 2023

Red Letter Headlines

I guess it doesn't matter how big the font size or the fact that it is the red letter headline over on Drudge – nothing can make me care about the Hollywood writer's strike. They have been churning out absolute garbage for at least a decade or two. I could care less if they ever come back. They should all be fired and just let AI write the scripts. I'm sure they are moving in that direction anyway. I wonder how they will program it to include at least one gay couple in every show? It will just be all gay, all the time. Thankfully, I stopped watching tv a long time ago.

Disney seems to be going down as well. They are THE most evil company, all the while posing as good and wholesome. I guess no one wants to see their horrible movies or go to their theme parks. They brought it on themselves and deserve every bit of it. The happiest place on earth is now the saddest. Good riddance.

And what is up with Mark Ruffalo? From Just the News website:

Mark Ruffalo attacks fossil fuel workers' 'greed and selfishness'; oil and gas group responds

Mark tweeted, “For all you climate deniers who have worked for the oil and gas industry—mostly you flagrant politicians, you have screwed us, your children, and the generations to come. All for greed and selfishness. Especially Lee Raymond and Exxon.”

Wow. What a douchey thing to say. I am highly disappointed. Mark Ruffalo was literally one of my top favorite actors. I always thought he was so beautiful in a rough sort of way. Did you know he owns six cars? Only two of them are electric. I wonder what he fuels the other four with? Will you and your children be riding around in your SUV anytime soon Mark? What about the Audi? You don't go from 0-62mph in 59 seconds on just hot air do you? So a massive hypocrite as well. I'm heartbroken.

I love the response from the US Oil & Gas Association: “Your whole career is just based on you being a computer-generated image. Were it not for CGI and digital artists - nobody would even know you are. We don't care what you think. Instead you should be grateful that millions of workers in the energy industry were willing to show up with our kids and pay 15 bucks to watch your movies. A simple thank you would suffice.”

I would have to agree. Anyway – Have a good weekend, see you on Sunday.

Take care out there.



Cederq said...

Any actor, sports figure, celebrity, politicians and authority figures have no credibility and no respect from me. They all are compromised. Dance monkey dance, I want to be entertained and that is all you are good for. Do not dane to lecture me or order me.

I loved the Oil and Gas Association's response to that Buffon.

Deathray said...

It is complicated. I don’t know who Mark the actor is, and I’m most definitely not a tree hugging leftist. But Mr. Rockefeller got his slimy rat fingers into many areas of technology, education, and pharmacy to only name a few. He managed to get so many different things suppressed that would have changed many of the ways our Dr’s treat us ,what we use to power our cars and homes , what is being taught in schools from pre-k to advanced college degrees. I’m aware the fossil fuel theory is a lie, but before the oil industry took control of how automakers built cars, there were vehicles being made that could run at highway speed on a tank of water half way across the country. Don’t even get me started about how, Edison was allowed to destroy all of Tesla’s inventions. Money grubbing corporations have been screwing the world from the early 1900’s up to today.

Steve said...

Have you ever noticed that when some "cause" is being used to nudge behaviors....some idiot will blather about in the most rude, crude and disgusting way possible?
I think the left uses those types of people to set a standard; so when "they" begin to spew, "they" won't seem so strident.

wendyworn said...


bob said...

Got ride of my TV's 5 years ago when I stopped watching Fox news, after a month its amazing the things you find out you were missing, and the work you get done.
Hollywood and Disney are just two Cesspools that are connected in obscene ways, incest to the max.