Wednesday, July 19, 2023


I had a bunch of things to do this morning. Took the dog out for a walk. She is not doing very well. Her back legs don't seem to be working, except if there is a treat involved. Then she will reluctantly get up and walk over to get it. I'm a little worried about her. She is getting old.

So I ran out of time for a proper blog post - mainly because I still have an hour before I have to clock in to work and I think I can get a quick 45 min nap in.

Happy Humpday!


Cederq said...

I have had weeks like that, 10 minutes before a meeting? Sure, I can fit a nap in there... I have a deadline in 4 hours, bingo, a decent nap! I sure know how that goes.

Old dogs are the best, but sure rip your heart out when they get that way.

wendyworn said...

Sometimes I wonder if they aren't putting the same amount of caffeine in the coffee these days. I'm tired all the time!

Steve said...

Adrenal gland disfunction. (heh, I just made that one up!)
I wonder if overuse of caffeine isn't to blame. Getting yourself rev'd up with caffeine could cause your adrenal glands to overproduce (whatever it is they produce).
And now we'all have exhausted our natural supply.......

(we'all is a natural extension of y'all...all'y'all just didn't sound right)