Wednesday, September 20, 2023

It's so Sad About Oregon

As some of you know, I grew up in Oregon and except for escaping briefly to live in California and Wyoming, I lived there most of my life.

Oregon is not really a blue state. Most of the state is actually red, but since the introduction of mail-in ballots, which of course allows rampant cheating, the conservative part of the state has had no voice. There is a reason why half of Oregon keeps voting to be a part of Idaho.

Oregon embraced the scamdemic. Pretty much as a whole, they loved lockdowns and masks and social distancing. Even though I originally planned on retiring from my job there, I was forced to quit for my refusal to take the jab or let someone stick a Q-tip up my nose. Two weeks later, my husband and I left Oregon, never to return. I still believe to this day, at some time in the future, they will lock down the borders of that state and you will not be able to leave or enter unless you have vaxx papers. Or climate papers if they continue to push that angle.

I've been watching the sad, downward spiral of this once beautiful state. They keep making national headlines for the most outrageous situations. Here are some of those headlines:

Here's how Oregon plans to replace the gas tax as cars go electric

Second-hand crack smoke is now a problem

ON SECOND THOUGHT: Majority of Oregon Residents Support Repealing Law That Decriminalized Hard Drugs

Portland Public Schools Introduce “Equitable Grading” Because Blacks are Dumb

Oregon’s new guidelines for sex ed

Even the animals have gone crazy.

Anyway, take care out there my friends.


Cederq said...

And I had the dumb idea to move back into this socialist paradise...I am leaving, I saw and read the writing on the truck stall bathroom wall and making plans to depart before the lockdowns and requirement for vaxx requirement and papers. They are nuts here.

wendyworn said...

they are nuts there that is for sure!

Phil said...

I also grew up in Oregon and at this point I will only cross the river into Portland if it is absolutely necessary.
Even Coos Bay, formerly the home of drunken, brawling loggers and fishermen, has turned into a liberal hell hole.
I never in my life would have thought I would ever see that.

wendyworn said...

yeah - it is really bad these days

Peteforester said...

WOW!!! COOS BAY??? I remember that place from back when I was in the Coast Guard, and your description is DEAD-CENTER MASS! Who'dathought!!!!

Peteforester said...

Believe it or not, CALIFORNIA is the same way. Get away from the coast, and it turns DEEP red VERY quickly! Of course, when Sacramento dinner-belled in all the welfare bums and illegal aliens it could for "cheap votes," we lost our voices. Sooner or later though... Sooner or later, Sacramento will run out of everyone else's money... I live in hope...

Phil said...

Coos Bay Coast Guard eh?
Were you there before or after the Cutter Modoc?
God I can't believe I can even remember the name of that thing. That's gotta be forty five-fifty years ago by now...

UH1H CE said...

Rurger Single-Six; Rat shot in the first chamber, CCI mini-mags after the stun. Problem solved. You're welcome.

Anonymous said...

Democratic democracy makes everything pieceful...