Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Over the Target

The Conservative Treehouse has a story this morning about Target having to close several stores in various big cities due to theft and organized retail crime:

Target Closing Stores in NYC, San Francisco, Oakland, Portland and Seattle Due to Rampant Crime and Lawlessness

While I'm sure that is partially true – we already know about mobs of people going into stores and cleaning them out because there is no penalty for crime these days – I think Target's demise goes a little deeper than that.

A story from MSN on the issue has the money quote, “skeptics say stores have not provided enough information to back up their claims, and at least one retailer said theft was an exaggerated issue.”

Target was already an enemy-owned retail chain but their problems really started back in 2015 when they decided to move away from “gender based” signs, especially in their children's clothes and toy sections.

They quickly followed that up in 2016 with their bathroom controversy where they welcomed transgender employees and guests to use the bathroom or fitting room that corresponds to their madness gender identities. The backlash on that was swift until they built unisex bathrooms to try to alleviate the problem. But the damage was done. A lot of people who shopped there stopped going to Target – never to return.

But their biggest mistake was in May 2023 when they proudly displayed their transgender summer clothes including “tuck friendly” bathing suits. The outcry was loud and even though they moved their displays to the back of the store, no one was buying it – or anything else for that matter. Target lost 10 billion dollars within 10 days. As they say, Get Woke, Go Broke.

Goodbye Target. Can't say as I'll miss you. You brought this on yourselves.

Take care out there.


Peteforester said...

Even before all this "woke" crap hit the fan, both my wife and I thought Target was a creepy place. Neither of us could put a finger on it. There was just something about it we didn't like. We have one in our town. Neither of us have seen the inside of it for over a decade. May Target fall to its own stupid choices...

wendyworn said...

agreed pete

Cederq said...

I have to parrot Pete, I too never felt comfortable going into a target. It was an unexplained feeling, uncomfortable in it intensity. Now I know it is of an evil persuasion. A lot of stores and businesses I do not shade their doors because of statements and deeds and business practices.

I do not feel sympathy or sadness due to stores closing in those areas. If the stores themselves take matters in hand or the local authorities don't take matters in hand, then let them starve. You will see them spreading out to suburbs and rural areas to pilfer and they are gonna be surprised we shoot back.

wendyworn said...


Wild, wild west said...

I was unable to participate in this year's boycott, because I'm still participating in the boycott over bathrooms in 2016. Haven't seen a reason to stop participating, either.

Also, as others already noted, there just seemed to be something off about the place. Trust your instincts, God gave them to you for a reason.

Tree Mike said...

My boycott started when the Fwench bought Target and banned the Marines from their traditional Toys for Tots drive in front of Target. Can't remember how long ago that was.