Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Just in Case You Were Thinking about Bugging Out to Casper, Wyoming

I lived in Casper, Wyoming several years ago and have a lot of family there. I was considering it as an option should things go really south here.

Mayor of Casper, Wyoming Says Homeless Squatters Destroyed Local Motel, Left Hundreds of Pounds of Feces on Streets

Now I'm thinking I'll just cross it off the list. I don't have a smart phone so I wouldn't be able to download one of those poop maps. What is this country coming to?

Anyway, take care out there.


Cederq said...

Cities and towns and county use to take care of this problem. Have the cops and the rednecks move them to the county line. How can they stay there unless you are providing shelter/free food, healthcare take that away, Casper gets cold come Fall and winter, take away their ways to stay warm and the problem self corrects. Have to get tough. These sanctuary states/local governments want them? tell them to go there. Is Casper a demonrat run city?

Justin_O_Guy said...

Wendy, it's becoming what the Marxists and eugenacists have been telling us they wanted it to be. We've been circling the bottom of the bowl just waiting for the last gurgle as it flushes. The whole pandemic thing was something that has been being planned for a while. The jabs are part of the depopulation program. We've watched fires and crazy weather wreck things. So many Well,would ya Look at
That!! things, way more than what would be reasonable to expect. But if you See that you're supposed to provide statistical proof. Like the Thuddenlies.. Healthy young people being saved by the Now commonly available Heart restarting equipment at sporting events.
You have a Bible and you know what it says. You have history. And You have Eyes to See..

I've been reading what you said about Genisis and Let there be light, and Days, however long those Days were, later we see that God spoke Two lights into the sky. One to guide day,the lesser to guide the night, and to mark seasons for planting and harvesting.

I have someone to ask about that. I will. If I get something to share, I will.

wendyworn said...

thanks justin

Anonymous said...

They'll move out when the cold comes in a month.