“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God.” - John 1:1-2
In the beginning, when God
created the heavens and the earth, He spoke them into being. He said,
“Let there be light.” and there was light. What kind of light did
God create on Day One? God didn't speak the sun into existence until
Day Four. I don't know – but I'm beginning to.
There must
be some kind of difference between the light that God spoke into
being on the first day and the light from the sun that was created
three days later.
God saw the light, that it was good and He
divided the light from the darkness that was originally upon the face
of the deep.
For six days, God spoke all of creation into
existence. He created Man on the sixth day. On the seventh day, God
Please note – that in all that time, God never
stopped to write anything down. He did not need ink on paper to
accomplish the amazing feats of creating this beautiful realm and all
the plants and animals. He did not need a printing press to give Man
everything he needed to live and breathe and be fruitful and
multiply. He spoke the Word and it was so. It was good.
a tiny little serpent came along...Bad lying little
Thousands of years have gone by since then. How many
exactly? We don't know. History has been re-written and all the
calendars have been changed. The lying little serpent has grown into
a great red dragon that deceives the whole earth. He is very pissed
off because he knows his time is short. He also knows that he has
already lost. All he can do now is to overcome the saints (not the
dead ones from the catholic church – the real ones – the body of
Jesus Christ said, “I am the Light of the world.
No man comes to the Father but by me.” Jesus Christ Himself was the
Word made flesh and dwelt among us.
There are a lot of people
who believe (and I did too at one time) that the bible is the Word of
God. In the past, the bible was a valuable tool to learn about who
Jesus was and who the Father was, not to mention historical stories
like the one I told the other day. When the bible was originally
written, holy men of God SPOKE as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.
It was then written down so that future generations would have a
record of it. Faith comes by HEARING the Word of God, not by reading
Now, I know it is a very hard pill to swallow that
reality is being changed all around us. Including changes to the
written bibles that we own and have read and have highlighted. What's
worse is they are being changed retroactively! The changes are
in the bibles we own, the 1611 versions, all the way back to original
manuscripts found in the Dead Sea scrolls! So, except for people
remembering what it use to say, there is no proof. The famine of the
Word of God is well underway. That's one of the main reasons the
adversary wants to kill all the elderly and tries to destroy their
memories with Dementia and Altzhiemers. Because we remember what it
use to say.
I left a very polite comment on someone's blog
recently letting the blog owner know that the verse from Matthew he
had quoted, originally said, where two or more are gathered in His
name but now says two or three.
This was a man who claimed to
be both a Christian and a truth teller. This is part of the comment
he responded with:
“In the beginning was the Word, and the
Word was with God, and the Word was God. Hebrew 13:8 Jesus Christ the
same yesterday, and to day, and for ever. Now if you don’t believe
the Bible to be the inspired Word of God, then idk why you care if
it’s being changed. If you believe in Christ however, then I
struggle to not see this notion of some outside force altering His
Word — and therefore altering Christ himself (John 1:1) — is a
fundamentally anti-Biblical position.”
I didn't respond to
his comment. I deleted his blog from my favorites. His comment is the
stupidest, most retarded thing I have ever read. The idea that
altering the words in a book could somehow change Christ Himself is
ignorance of the highest order. I am praying for this guy. This poor
soul, who is a believer, is the adversary's target audience, (and not
just because his comment pissed me off.)
The word antichrist
does not just mean against Christ, it also means instead of Christ.
That's been a core plan of the enemy all along. Change the words in
the bible and destroy anyone who remembers. Then when the antichrist
is revealed – he will say, just check your bibles to see if I am
who I say I am. They will check their bibles – and sure enough.
They will follow the antichrist and worship him and take the mark –
thinking it is something good, something from the Word of God.
(Side note: spell check wants me to capitalize the word
antichrist. Nope. Not going to do it.)
Keep prepping and
praying my friends. Take care out there.
As I have gotten older and hopefully wiser I started looking around and when I moved around a lot in my John Steinbeck odyssey I would attend several churches in the area and it was like I was seeing numerous version of the KJB and they all said something different then what I reading from my mother's bible I had inherited it was from 1916. Listening to the preachers I was wondering, am I in a parallel universe? I started questioning everything and religious people got upset I noticed a difference. When you look back at histories and began to understand the Word of God was written down but as a word(agenda) from man. Meanings were changed, revised, reformed. The antichrist sure had a hand in this, since time amoral. That snake, an entity has been with us since the Light of the Universe was Spoken. It has many forms and is transforming as we breath. One irrefutable law of physics that even God cannot change, for every action there is a reaction. Matter/antimatter.
Thanks for a great comment Cederq.
Now if you don’t believe the Bible to be the inspired Word of God, then idk why you care if it’s being changed.
Company,in the driveway,,
Ahh,the old
The carpet is dirty so sweeping the counter into the floor instead of the sink is Fiine,right.
"That's one of the main reasons the adversary wants to kill all the elderly and tries to destroy their memories with Dementia and Altzhiemers. Because we remember what it use to say."
This is an excellent point, Wendy. This is exactly why they want the so-called 'old guard' to disappear in the worst way where all things are concerned, either though death or retirement and can't get them out fast enough.
I'd go even a step further. It's for more than remembering what these things used to say - it's knowing the reasons why those things were being said, done, and written the way they were. It's understanding why they are important.
absolutely. Thanks for the insight on this JL
A friend showed up and I type slowly, I wanted to get done with my post to pay attention to the company. I was going for the Maxwell Smart reply. I had to check out before I got to the
Some people try to use the lamest justification for their cheap ways.
If you don't believe it's perfect, why is it a problem if someone perverts it further? Brilliant!
Yes - well my conclusion on the guy is that he is an idiot. So there is no reason to go back to his blog. Thanks for the comments justin - it's good you have visitors - I suppose sweeping the counter on to the floor is acceptable. Lol.
Especially if what you are sweeping off the counter is a treat for an underfoot dog... Natures vacuum cleaners.
Great post, Great comments. The Mandela effect is proof enough for me.
thank you
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