Friday, September 1, 2023

What?! It's September Already?

Wow. Time flies, whether you are having fun or not. Tomorrow, September 2nd, will be my 15 year anniversary of the start of this blog. Talk about time flying. Back then I was just waking up. There is some truth in the saying, Ignorance is Bliss. But no matter how bad it is, I still like to know what the enemy is up to so I can prepare.

I'm posting a link from the Daily Stormer written by Andrew Anglin. Regardless of what you might think of Andrew or the Daily Stormer, the guy is a truth teller – in the harshest possible way. He doesn't touch some of the more fringe subjects but I find myself in agreement with him more than not.

Mainly I want you to watch the video of Nick Fuente's rant on that post. It is spot on. (Side note on Nick Fuentes: I don't really know much about him. I've seen his name quite a bit on my internet wanderings but have ignored it for the most part. So I don't know if he is controlled opposition or not. Even if he is – this rant is a must see.) Here is the link:

Poor Men South of Richmond

I got paid again today and for now, money is still worth something – not much mind you – but enough to pay my bills and buy groceries. Always a good day.

Have a great weekend everybody! See you on Sunday.


JL said...

It was a decent essay with some good points, right until he started with the "iT's Da JoOoZ!" crap. He wrote an entire piece on how poor white people have only themselves to blame for their situation (which, from my experience in having grown up a poor white kid, is true to an extent), then goes on to blame it all on jews.

As much as I can't stand the left and their crap, I must admit I'm really starting to develop a pretty deep dislike of the 'right' as well, this sort of BS being a large part of the reason why.

wendyworn said...

For sure, both sides are compromised. They are all connected so it is foolish to just blame one faction out of the whole.

Tree Mike said...

JL, apparently, you're a Lame stream consumer. If you're clueless as to "Jewish question", you need some remedial learnin'. I won't be crapping in Wendy's turf. If I've already stepped over the line, I apologize to wendyworn.

Tree Mike said...

wendyworn, pardon my manners, Happy Blogiversary.

JL said...

I'm not clueless. I just think it's bullshit. After all, I never said the jews weren't taking advantage of, and contributing to, the decay of western society. But I sure as hell won't lay the blame solely on them, ESPECIALLY when I see other facets of western society making equal contributions to our downfall - including our own 'side'.

I'd ask what the view is like with your head jammed so far up your keester, but I honestly don't give a damn.

Tree Mike said...

Hey, since my last comment I visited your passed blogs. I'll bring up one, "Liar, liar, pants on fire" April 2, 2015. 11 videos between 7 and 15 minutes long laying out the flat earth, in the best format I've seen yet. Lots of history and science.
Maybe CederQ will check it out and repost it on Bustednuckles.
Keep up the great work.

wendyworn said...

wow tree mike. I had totally forgotten about that blog post! I guess my secret is out. I'm a flat earther! ha ha.

Cederq said...

Oh, Tree Mike, I am not an avowed Flat Earther, just like to entertain any idea or theory. I posted those on BN for an interested reader (Not Wendyworn) and wanted to gauge the interest and comments from the readers. What a good reporter/therapist is supposed to do, don't interject your opinion or thoughts into what you are writing or displaying. Mike, I was a nurse and a behavioral therapist(retired) and what I am interested in is the response, not to make a point. What I post are picked by me for that purpose, to elicit a response, and garner conversation. Some are gold mines, some are flops.
Now my secret is out and that may cloud the response somewhat, but behaviors are generally ingrained and will soon resume as before.

Tree Mike said...

JL, I understand.
wendyworn, thanks for your platform.
CederQ,Well yer doing a good job. Do you remember how long ago you posted them? I didn't come around until the covidiocy, so they may have been posted before that. I woulb love to go through the comments of that posting. Those particular 11 videos are hard to refute. There's some pretty smart (if biased) folks at BN, I don't count myself in that group, I'm gonna claim/blame undiagnosed concussions. I was interested in flat earther info, but nothing could cinch it for me. That series of 11 are very convincing.
Thanks for your efforts helping out Phil.

Cederq said...

Tree Mike, About a month ago, maybe a bit less. Not too long ago.

Tree Mike said...

CederQ,found it, don't know how I missed it. Different material than wendyworns mentioned videos above. Her her April 2, 2015 posting has the best evidence I've seen yet. I'm a real late comer to the whole flat earth thing. Reasons for hiding flat earth? They're hiding God.