Friday, October 20, 2023

Happenings - Updated

It's been a hell of a week. In my life, in the world around me, it's exhausting to try to keep up with it all.

It's been three weeks since I lost my job. No job means no income. So far I haven't heard anything on the job front yet. Hopefully soon.

I've been really busy in the mean time. My husband is still sick and needs taken care of. He has late stage cirrhosis of the liver. He is in a lot of pain and is not sure if he will be able to move from his chair to the bed across from him on his own much longer.

I rotated and took inventory of the pantry. We are doing good there and could probably last for several months on what we have stocked. That is good. I repacked the bug-out bag and have another bag that is a first aid kit with lots of medical supplies. So I feel good about that.

I'm going through all our stuff for things to sell. Finally time to part with old video game systems, etc. I still need to go through some of my clothes and get rid of those things that I will never fit into again. You know we always hope...

I've been sick this week, so I allow myself time to rest and heal. But dishes still need to be washed and dinner has to be made and there is always cleaning, so after I rest for an hour or so, I get up and start working around the house again. I feel like time is of the essence. A lot of the time I am spending going through and getting rid of stuff might possibly be pre-moving activities. Not sure what the future holds on that.

I'm already sick of wars and rumors of wars, but they have definitely taken things up a notch in the last couple weeks. I actually attempted to watch Biden's address to the nation but I couldn't stomach his completely false sympathy for civilian deaths and had to turn it off. I figured someone will do a re-cap somewhere.

Posting will be light for a while. The pressure to come up with new posts is starting to wear on me and it is literally impossible to separate the truth from the lies coming out so I am skipping most stories I'm reading, for sanity reasons. If I miss a day or two from posting, don't worry, I'm okay, just really tired.

Hope you all are well. Take care out there.

Updated to add this link from John Wilder: Just what I needed to hear today.

Great News: Everything’s Going Wrong!


clayusmcret said...


All we can do is pray for you and your husband. Remember that God doesn't give us anything we cannot handle with his help. Sometimes that feels like hollow words, but they're not. Been there.

S/F, Steve

wendyworn said...


Thank you very much for your prayers and kind words. They are not hollow words, but quite true and profound. I updated the thread to add John Wilder's latest post. I really needed to hear it.
Take care!

Cederq said...

It may do you good to step back and heal, read the Good book and pray. We will be there and I will make sure no one forgets about you.

wendyworn said...

Lol - thanks cederq!

JL said...

Not sure if this'd be your cup of joe, and not to be a preachy jackass here, but it might do you some good to take a step back from some of this stuff happening at the macro level, like the economy, world affairs, etc. It's a foregone conclusion that things aren't gonna get better and will likely get worse.

Could be shifting down a gear or two and focusing on things in your immediate AO could be what the doctor ordered.

wendyworn said...

Thank you JL - I agree

Don't mind me. said...

I find great comfort in making fun of the apocalypse. That which we have no control over should not control our lives.
Focus on what's important.

wendyworn said...

excellent advice! thank you!