Thursday, December 14, 2023

Movie Review

I'm running late this morning. I found this movie review to be very interesting to say the least:


Bear Claw Chris Lapp said...

It’s coming, just from within so it will be in english

wendyworn said...


Cederq said...

It's different. Too bad it had masons and the obamoniod as an advisor. I wouldn't pay money to watch it, for free I would just to gather some tidbit of intelligence and the left/worldorder/tptb may allow us to see. It is all propaganda. There are enough left of us country boys that can survive and will thrive. Now, twenty years from now I can't say that with any conviction as the society as soi boyed the male and females. There will be some backwoods boys and girls, but bet my jammies will be hunted down.

wendyworn said...

yeah - not sure they are going to get their civil war like they have planned. I'm not complying on that idea either

Justin_O_Guy said...

I'll read reviews, but I gag too easily, so I'm not watching it.