Wednesday, December 13, 2023

The dreaded email...

I didn't get the job. The dreaded email showed up in my inbox this morning. You know the one, that says, “we've decided to move forward with other candidates”. I've seen them plenty of times before in my life.

You might think that the great interview, the prayer in the parking lot and the fear not sign were all confirmations I was getting the job. They were confirmations. Just not for that. Just ways of letting me know that the Lord is and will continue to, look out for me and not to be in fear for the future.

I kinda knew I wasn't getting the job on Monday when I didn't hear from them. I'm still glad that the interview went really well and it was good practice.

For some reason it reminds me of a story. God rescued the children of Israel (not to be confused with the fake one doing horrendous things in the middle east) from 400 years of slavery. He gave them water from a rock and manna from heaven, but they still bitched about the fact that they didn't have any leeks or onions like they did back in Egypt. I can see why it may have pissed God off.

I actually have some onions in my fridge right now, and I don't normally have any use for leeks. Today, all my needs are met. Even though we are not supposed to give any thought for tomorrow, I'm pretty sure I am set for tomorrow as well.

It's all good. Take care out there.


Cederq said...

Well Damn! And an email too! What cowards, couldn't call you and say it in person. They don't deserve you!

clayusmcret said...

You're keeping the correct attitude about this. Like you said, it was a good practice interview. Hang in there.

wendyworn said...

thanks guys!

Monty said...

Well at least you received a reply/follow-up notice! Many people I know have not even received that level of courtesy/professionalism in their job search.

Stick with it will make it!

eraser said...

Methinks the Lord has something better in mind. Remember; patience is the thing always waiting for you.

wendyworn said...
