Wednesday, October 6, 2021

The List

It was a very busy day. My husband has a list of things he wants to get done. We ran errands this morning and got 4 things done including getting a PO Box. When he got home he was disappointed that only one of the four was written down on his list. He likes to cross things off. 

The next thing on the list was taking out the old fridge. That took several hours. In the end, it was my husband and I – plus a kid that works at the park – that got the fridge out of the space and out of the RV. He was a super nice kid that helped us and even took the fridge away with his little Cushman flatbed. My husband was very happy to cross that off his list. He says that is the hardest one on the list and the rest should be relatively easy. 

I have my own list. I cross things off and add to it daily. Now that I have a PO Box I am ready to update my resume. I have folders that I keep important papers in. Somehow, I do not have a single copy of my resume (which is very unusual for me.) That is Okay, I thought, I have a copy in my email. I went to my email and downloaded a copy. It is in Word and I don't have Word on my computer. That is Okay, I thought, I have an old copy of Microsoft office from 2003 I can put on my computer. I knew right where to find it. I opened up the case, no disc. Really? How long have a carried around an empty case?! Years? Decades? Luckily, I can still see my old resume but I can't copy and paste the information. I will have to reset it manually. I add it to the list for tomorrow. 

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