Friday, June 3, 2022

Pride Goeth before a Fall


Ugh. It's supposedly Gay Pride Month here in what use to be America. Part of the reason I haven't posted anything in the last couple days is my utter disgust at the things I am reading. Here is a couple examples:

Uterus-Shaped Breakfast Cereal “Period Crunch” Launches To Normalize Menstruation

Tranny Barbie

Weirdo wants to marry toy airplane

The list could go on and on. I actually believe the picture above depicts the white horse of Revelation. That seal has been open for a while – but was just the beginning.

Monday is a 6 6 6 date. I can't imagine they could let that date go without pulling something major. I guess we will see. 


Cederq said...

I went to Oregon and after a day turned around and came back to Idaho. damn gay pride flags all over and caught two meth heads trying to break into my truck canopy... no thank you.

wendyworn said...

Sorry Cederq! Yeah! that places just sucks now. I'm not sure that anything can be done to save Oregon. It is a lost cause. Hope you are doing well!