Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Tuesday, April 4th

Anonymous Conservative reminds us that 55 years ago today, April 4th, Martin Luther King Jr was assassinated.

April 4th is a Doomsday date. The Doomsday rule states that certain dates always fall on the same day of the week. In the case of April 4, it always falls on a Tuesday.

On April 4th, 1865, President Abraham Lincoln toured the smoking ruins of what was once the Confederate capital, Richmond, Virginia. He would be assassinated 11 days later.

Today, President Donald J Trump, it has been rumored, will be arrested. Although all the mainline news sources are saying there are 34 indictments against him, President Trump tweeted that there were 33:


So what is the point I'm trying to make? I don't really know. It's been bugging me why this is happening today. I've been thinking, “why are they waiting till Tuesday? Why not do it on Monday, the first business day?” There has been a lot of pressure building up to this point. Something just feels off about the whole thing. I guess we shall see.

Take care out there.


Cederq said...

It's a Tuesday, the day AFTER Monday, that should be enough reason... Certain dates are sacred to groups and individuals. An event or happening get's imbedded as important and so one's or group's whole focus is to celebrate that date. Something OFF has been happening for a long time, I believe that a pressure cooker safety valve has about to pop. Just don't be by the stove when that happens.

wendyworn said...

shes gonna blowwwwwwwwww

wendyworn said...

exactly JL

Justin_O_Guy said...

Ohh,so Not 34 indictments? Just 33? Nice convenient Masonic number.

wendyworn said...

yeah - welcome to the "show"