Monday, June 26, 2023

Day Off

It was an absolutely gorgeous weekend. The sky was blue and clear of chemtrails. It was down to 86 degrees, but with the nice breeze in the shade, it was just like a summer day from my childhood. The dog and I sat outside for a while and just enjoyed the peacefulness.

The park was sold out this weekend and every spot had a camper, RV or tent set up. The pool has been under construction for several months, but it is finally finished and there were lots of people swimming around, enjoying the water. Every one behaved themselves and there were no crazy incidents.

For some bizarre reason, my phone has decided to display a time that is 45 minutes behind what the actually time is on my computer. It didn't happen on my husband's phone. This particular phone doesn't have a way to manually change the time back either. I'm just stuck with it. It might be time for me to pull out one of my old watches.

I have today off and I'm taking the dog in for a bath and getting her nails clipped. My dad had called a few weeks back to say he was downsizing and asked me if there was anything I wanted. At first I couldn't think of anything but then told him that I really needed pots and pans. So he sent me some, along with some shirts for my husband. He is also sending me some select pieces of my mom's jewelry. I will be picking up that package today.

Anyway, hope you all are well. Take care out there.


clayusmcret said...

Enjoy your day off. It's hard imagining what of your parent's stuff you'd like to have, especially when the question is being posed. You liked it all, but very little would work with your current stuff....which you already have too much of. We had to have that conversation when my mom went into a nursing home. I don't envy you.

Deathray said...

Any day free from chemtrails is a good day.
As for the watch, you have definitely entered the Twilight Zone.
I had a similar experience with the clocks on the stovetop and microwave recently.
3 different times over a couple months they would be 10 minutes ahead of the actual time.
I live alone and hardly ever have visitors. After turning them back the last time, I loudly proclaimed the next time they were getting drug out in the driveway and introduced to my 835 with a turkey load. It has apparently worked. But, you know, I live pretty far north and I have watched the poll shift a couple miles in the last five years. So there’s that too.

wendyworn said...

I hadn't thought about verbally threatening my phone to display the right time. I will have to give a try. lol.

Cederq said...

You may be on to something about the time. I have a battery operated clock that receives a time signal from WWVB, the government time station and when I got up this morning at 7AM and switched on the modem and the computer it the clock displayed Thursday June 22 at 10:41am and Eastern zone time. That is the first time it has ever done that(I have had the clock for over 20 years.) It is an expensive Howard/Miller clock. I hit the button to manually receive the time signal and it would not correct itself. I replaced the batteries and reset the time, day/month, time zone and it seems to be working except it is a minute faster then the time on my computer, which used to be in synch. Oh well, such is the mysteries of life...

Cederq said...

Wendy(L), my reply to your comment on the other, inferior blog:

"In reply to wendyworn.
Only reason I enjoyed it was the music was below 90dB and you could listen to the lyrics and the lyrics were pleasant. Other than that, no dice or chance in hades will I listen to heavy metal."

wendyworn said...

Yes, something nefarious may be afoot with the time changes. It is unfortunate that we depend on these time updates from the government. I wonder if it will go deeper as time goes on (lol time)

wendyworn said...

ok CederQ - I will stop teasing you about it.

Cederq said...

You can tease...