Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Remember the words to that song?

Recently my co-workers were discussing how they remember certain songs having a phrase or words that are different than how they are now. The were assuming that they are all getting old and can't recall the words. After this went on for about 20 minutes I wrote, “they're mandela effects.”


that was the end of that conversation. No one said a word the rest of the afternoon. Lol!

Tomorrow is our 9th wedding anniversary. I do believe this is the longest relationship I have ever been in. We are going to order take out from Snuffy's in town. They make an exceptionally good catfish. I took some days off work and will take a short break from posting. See you on Sunday.

Take care out there!



JL said...

Happy Anniversary, Wendy. So happens you got married on my birthday. What are the odds?

I've never tried catfish, but if it's anything like burbot/ling cod, I bet it's right tasty.

wendyworn said...

Thank you JL! Happy Birthday!

Cederq said...

How will I get my Wendy fix? Huh? Have an enjoyable anniversary and dinner! Cat fish sounds good! I never use to eat catfish, when fishing around these waters I would unhook them or cut the leader line and let 'em go. When I moved to the South and had married an Alabama gal with eating with her family I got to were I was looking forward to the family catfish fry...Nothing better than grilled catfish, hush puppies, breaded deep fried pickles and sweet tea.

wendyworn said...

I had never had Catfish before I moved here - but I really like it.

I'll come leave some comments over at bustednuckles so you wont miss me too much!

Peteforester said...

"...'Saw a bowl of carnitas... rising up in the air..."

wendyworn said...


bob said...

Happy Anniversary and many more.

wendyworn said...

thanks bob!

Cederq said...

I need my fix.

wendyworn said...

Lol! Morning CederQ! I haven't yet gotten to my blog reading yet. Hope you are staying cool. have a great day

Birdchaser said...

I believe the word you're looking for is Chronic Lyricosis, "a malady characterized by the habitual misunderstanding of song lyrics." I think everyone has it.

wendyworn said...

hahaha - of course they are going to make up a technical term to explain it away.

Tree Mike said...

A little late, John Meloncamps "swimmin in men". Just found you, it's CederQ's FAULT.