Wednesday, October 11, 2023

They are Lying About the Babies - Updated

In the last article, “Don't You Ever Get Tired of Fake Wars?” I mentioned the stories of babies being attacked. It was in the context that it was totally fake and they were making it all up. I still believe that but just so we are clear:

REPORT: IDF Can’t Confirm Viral Claim That Hamas Beheaded Babies

The reason the Israeli Defense Forces can't confirm that babies were beheaded is because it DID NOT HAPPEN.

But, apparently, there is a bot army disguised as “Anonymous” leaving comments everywhere saying something to the effect of:

“Sorry, innocent babies being killed wether they are Jewish, Muslim, agnostic, etc. is an unholy thing. I’m praying for all of you.”

I posted one of the comments yesterday, but as soon as I did, it really bothered me. So much so that I actually emailed Cederq to have him take a look. He called it out as a “concern troll” and possibly a beta male and to ignore it. Very Wise advice.

I have since gotten a slew of these same comments. All worded slightly different but basically saying that babies were killed and that they will pray for us. All anonymous. That is why I believe that these are all bots sent out to keep the lie going. I certainly don't want a demonic bot praying for me. Just in case there is a slim chance that an actual person is posting these comments – know that all those comments will be deleted.

Israel has wanted to destroy the people of Gaza for a very long time. This little planned event has now rallied the brain dead of America to literally call for them to do exactly that. Here are some excellent links concerning the situation and our part in it.

Paths Into World War

The Gaza Prison Break and the Prospect of a "Final Solution" in the Israel-Palestine Conflict

A Show of Force and Love, Thoughts, and Prayers

Big New War! Palestine Attacks Israel in Biggest, Most Organized Incursion Ever

Israel, Palestine, and Pike's Prophecy

This is not going to end well.

Continue prepping and praying my friends. Take care out there. 

Updated to add this link:



Justin_O_Guy said...

Why are so many so ready to swallow lies? Do they not remember? Babies, Ripped out of incubators and smashed on the floor? Many are too young to remember the lies that got us into Vietnam. We've been lied to to Manufacture Consent, over and over. Gadaffi went to the UN and told them, If you take me out, Europe will be overrun. As if they needed told. And they did it, and the predictable happened. Clowerd and Piven said, If you want to destroy a society, overload the social safety nets. And rather than use that as reason to avoid doing it, they are doing it, intentionally. Nothing we are see is organic. It's All manufactured, Problem Reaction Solution. Death and chaos are part of their toolbox. The lies some people buy into, once Exposed to be lies,seem to continue to influence them regardless. I don't understand how that works. Tell me some horrific story that later is exposed to be a lie and the emotional response you got out of me using your lies and what I believed is gone. Now I'm pissed at the liar and believing nothing. I have tried to deal with them. They believed, they were outraged,and it was bs, and having it shown to them it Was bs,their beliefs and emotional response is set. Hownahell does That work?
Am I wrong about that?
And Exactly how does the place with more spies per capita than any place on the planet, our CIA and all the electronics manage to get snuck upon? The Whitehouse strongly condemns the attack against Israel that we funded. I'm not saying bad things are not going on, I'm saying it's being done to further the globalist agenda.
And WE have been watching our border being flooded by military age men from all over the world. And we also know how many guns are stored Somewhere for the irs,the post office and who knows how many other .gov organizations, just waiting to be taken, or dropped in an intersection like a pallet of bricks for the blm mostly peaceful protests. Knowing exactly what and when something really bad is going to happen in America is beyond me, but to not expect it is beyond me. It's not exactly new. How is it possible that Every trade agreement we've made hurt us? Negotiated by our best and brightest?
Wake up, People..
At least polish your bellybutton so you can see wtf is right in front of you.

The above is for the Anonymous who want to lecture the adults.
Wake up or shut up.

wendyworn said...

Thank you Justin. That was an excellent comment and I agree 100%. If I didn't know some of these people personally - I would suspect them all of being agents of the enemy. There is no waking these people up unfortunately.

But now the anonymous bots are trying to tell me they aren't a bot. Ha ha ha.

Don't mind me. said...

Not taking sides in this one.

Cederq said...

What did any one expect? Of course we have been lied too. Dead, decapitated babies sell newspapers and boost newsie's profit as in increased ad revenue because of more people reading it and gasping at the fear and doom porn. It also feeds the aggrieved narratives side and allows it's politicians and generals to commit atrocities to those that attacked. Welcome to WAR, please keep your head and arms in the ride's compartment and do not unbuckle your safety device and make sure you keep items secured on you as not to fall out and injure someone or offend them...

Peteforester said...

Remember the "great toilet paper rush?" There was no shortage on toilet paper, but people panicked and cleared the shelves of the stuff. Those empty shelves didn't care if you believed there as a TP shortage or not. The end result is that you weren't going to get any asswipe.

My point is, it doesn't matter who or what happened to create the beginnings of WW3. Fact is, it's happening. ...This is the kind of thing that makes countries and people pick sides quickly, and go off halfcocked. Once that happens, there's no going back.

Never let emotion pull the trigger. Step back. Analyze. Question. Assess YOUR situational strengths and weaknesses. Then take steps to ensure your safety and that of your families.

...Alas, Babylon...