Thursday, August 25, 2022

Called It!


Hahahahaha. Yep. I totally called it:

Most of the article is behind a paywall, but you get the idea from the first couple paragraphs.
In a word - DUH! 
That makes my day. Take care out there!


Cederq said...

The level of maturity and apparent no skills in that video of college kids was what clinched it for me. The IRS is not getting a caliber of people capable of a auditing and having that stand up in court. That is why they wanted in the original hiring advert about firearms, shoot the offending taxpayer cattle and no audit, we seize everything and we go home happy and collect our paycheck and our benefits... I can outrun a wheelchair bound agent with my bum knee.
You are right, the 87000 losers they want isn't going to materialize. A feature, not a bug, they bleed too.

wendyworn said...

yep - just scaring the masses. I think we will see a lot of people not paying their taxes. the IRS doesnt even have enough employees to send out nasty letters. lol

wendyworn said...

yeah - its going to be bad because the average citizen still has no idea whats coming. my co-workers are talking about buying new tv's and campers and no one is talking about prices or shortages or anything. you are so correct about our clueless leadership, they keep taking from the people, they are going to get what is coming to them. probably sooner rather than later.